Is What You Said True?

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Scott's Perspective-

"Was it...was it true?" Scott asked, determinedly keeping his eyes on Norman as red tinted his face.

Jimmy froze, looking nervous.

He then took a deep breath, "I...yes." Jimmy said in a barely audible whisper.

But since it was so quiet, Scott heard him.

Scott nodded, letting go of Norman who wriggled out of his hands.

Jimmy looked at Scott, waiting for an answer.

Scott then took a deep breath.


Scott cut himself off.

They fell into another silence and Jimmy saw Scott's hand twitch towards his.

They were close, but not touching.

Scott took a deep breath,

"Does that you really..." He trailed off.

Scott finally looked up at Jimmy.

"So do you really like me?" He asked.

Jimmy looked away.

Scott bit his lip, nervous for what Jimmy was going to say.

But instead of saying anything, Jimmy just nodded.

Scott's eyes widened as his heart rate picked up.

He looked over at Jimmy and leaned in.

Jimmy surprised, looked up at Scott, his face red.

They made eye contact and Jimmy didn't know what to say.

"I..." Jimmy started but he was cut off as Scott's lips touched his.

Scott broke apart before Jimmy could do anything.

They stared at each other before Scott leaned back.

Neither of them said anything
Jimmy then held Scott's hand, making Scott look up at him.

"I...I do really like you, Scott."

Scott smiled nervously and Jimmy chuckled.

"Cod why am I such an awkward person?" He asked, making Scott giggle.

"But you're my awkward person." Scott said, making Jimmy smile softly and blush.

"Now I should go, I have a trade with Lizzie later." Scott said, getting up.

"Get some rest, will you?" Scott said, kissing Jimmy's forehead.

"I'll try." Jimmy said.

"Norman can be the sheriff for the day." Scott said, taking off Jimmy's hat and putting it on the coat hanger near the door.

Jimmy chuckled, "Thanks Scott."

Scott smiled, "Course."

He then flew off.


Sorry that this is so short but I didn't really know what else to put... :)

Also in case you're wondering why Scott and Jimmy got together so fast, I did that on purpose. I know what I'm doing (somewhat). I have a plan for this, so if you're confused at why the fuck Scott and Jim are already together on chapter 4, don't worry. Well, you should worry for what's happening but also don't worry.

Also, I connected this story with The Witch & The Princess, but we have a lot more chapters to go in that fanfic to give you context to the next chapter. So until I update that one (prob next week) then I won't update this :)

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