The Festival!!!

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Jimmy's Perspective-

No one could ignore the change in the air.

It was amazing.

Everyone seemed to be so happy and excited.

But Jimmy was left confused.

Every time he flew around, he couldn't understand what people were talking excitedly about and looking forward to.

That was until he was restocking his gunpowder cart and saw a sign nailed to the side of it.

'Come down to the festival!! Run by Oli Orion who is bringing fun and memories to you! Come to The Great Bridge tomorrow afternoon and live the experience of a lifetime!'

Jimmy smiled.

So that's what everyone's been so excited about. He thought before putting the gunpowder in the chests.

He then put on his wings and rocketed off to The Great Bridge.

He knew it was tomorrow, but he wanted to get a peek at what was planned.

Little did he know, the change in the air wasn't just because people were excited for the festival.

There was also a mysterious and nervous feeling amongst some people.

Some people, who may have lost something very close to them.


Lizzie's Perspective-

It just... appeared.

No one knew where it came from, and your voice echoes off of it when you speak into it.

Worst of all, whatever goes in, doesn't come out.

Lizzie was pacing outside of the purple rift that was a bit away from the Bridge.

Come on Gary.

Lizzie kept glancing back at the portal, hoping to see Gary.

Gary was a fox villager and was the greatest explorer of Animalia.

Lizzie sent Gary through the purple rift in hopes of finding crystals.

But one week later, Gary still hasn't returned.

Lizzie then sighed and decided that she needed help.

She turned to her closest neighbor, fWhip the goblin.


"fWhip! Bad news! I need help!" Lizzie shouted, running over to fWhip in the Gob Lands.

"What? What's wrong?" fWhip asked, looking worried.

"It's Gary!"


"Gary! The greatest explorer of Animalia!"

"Oh..." fWhip said, confused.

"I sent him through the purple rift in hopes of crystals, but it's been a week and I haven't heard anything from him!!"

"Purple rift?"

"The purple rift that appeared near the Bridge!"

fWhip still didn't understand what Lizzie was talking about but knew that there was clearly a big problem.

"We can send Sniff in as reinforcement!" fWhip said, leading Lizzie through the Gob Lands.


"Sniff! He's Snort's cousin but he's also the greatest explorer of the Gob Lands!" fWhip said.

He and Lizzie laughed and fWhip saddled Sniff.

"Lead me to the rift." fWhip said and Lizzie nodded.


"Oh. This is the purple rift." fWhip said, stopping Sniff from going any further.

Lizzie had just led fWhip to the rift and fWhip looked amazed.

"These are the rails that I sent Gary through with." Lizzie said, pointing at a rail track.

fWhip nodded, got off Sniff, and put down a minecart.

"Okay Sniff. Go and find Gary." fWhip told his steed.

Sniff got into the minecart and fWhip took that as an okay.

fWhip took a deep breath, and he and Lizzie pushed the minecart.

Sniff went through the portal and the minecart broke.

"Good luck Sniff." fWhip whispered, worried about how Sniff would do.

"And bring back Gary." Lizzie said, tears forming in her eyes.

They sat in a bit of a silence when Jimmy landed.

Lizzie gasped and jumped as she turned around.

"Woah." Jimmy said, slowly walked up to where they were.

"Is this part of the festival?" He asked, looking at the stage that was set up around the portal.

Lizzie shook her head, wiping her eyes.

"This has been here for weeks." She sniffed.

Jimmy blinked, "Really? But..."

He looked around at the colorful tents and attractions that were set up, "But this all looks like it's a part of the festival..."

fWhip shook his head.

"fWhip, did you know about this? How come you never told me? I'm the sheriff, I should know this."

"I just found out today." fWhip said, patting Lizzie's back, "Lizzie just told me. We sent our animals in there but...I don't think they'll make it out."

This made Lizzie sob into her hands and fWhip hugged her.

"Don't worry," He said, patting Lizzie's back, "I'm sure they'll be okay."

Jimmy looked at the portal and his eyes narrowed.

He suddenly got a bad feeling about the festival.

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