THREE-- What's Your Secret?

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Aspen's POV


"So, what did you think of that Rudy girl? She is cute." My dad questions. Ugh. Can he just go away? She is piping hot, but she is also a waste of my time. "Yeah, sure, whatever." I reply. I run to my room to wait for my parents to go to bed.

Sure enough they go to bed soon. I have made a chalenge. I am going to make Rudy fall for me. I throw on some jeans, a white tee and my leather jacket. When I'm done, I go to open my window to sneak out when I see a girl in the window across from me... Rudy. I climb down and grab a few pebbles off of the ground. If I'm going to get her to fall for me, I'm going to have to fake the hopeless romantic act. I throw one pebble- no answer. Throw another pebble- I hear a faint shriek. I throw another- she comes to her window and opens it.

"What are you doing, Aspen? I just put Heidi to sleep." She squeaks. I laugh, "I'm being romantic, duh." She laughs to herself. She is really pretty when she does that. Snap out of it. "It's going to take more than rocks, you know?" She states matter-of-factly. I need her to come down. How? "Jump." I say.


"You heard me. Jump. Don't worry I'll catch you. On my honor!"

She scoffs. "Okay." She just jumps out of her window. I was shocked and nearly forgot to catch her. Both of her hands wrap around my neck and it sends me chills. It is almost like they are meant to be there. Snap out, Aspen! "You know, most girls wouldn't have-"

"I'm not most girls. Did you lose your list?" She jokes, "I would have jumped even if you wouldn't catch me. But hey, thanks for the safer landing." With that she winks at me.

I take a step towards her. She takes a step back. I take another step forward, and her back hits the side of her house. "You look beautiful when you smile. You should do it more often." I say in a low, husky tone. It was unbelievably sexy. She is under my spell. "Easier said then done. So what are we doing next? Climbing trees? Or should I say climbing Aspens?" She says as she dodges me and walks away. Wait, what? She doesn't look like she is under my spell?

"Sure. Follow me." I say, and without a moment's thought, I took her hand and started to run. Isn't that what the love-sick nimrods do in the movies? We go to the garden from earlier today and climb a tree. Or in her terms, we climb an Aspen. And we just sit there. "So, what are we doing here, anyways?" She asks. She was the one who wanted to climb the damn tree/Aspen. I wish she would climb me, after all, I am going to make her fall for me.


Back to Rudy's POV

We hop down from the tree and just walk around talking. We're both going to be seniors, same school. Whatever. I can't really focus because he took off his shirt because he was 'too hot.' He's a weenie. I want to know why he brought me here. "So, back to my question. Why are we here?"

He bites his lip as a smirk plasters his face. If I wasn't already head over heels, I would be now. But I stifle any though or emotion about him. He steps forward enclosing and space between us. The fact that he is shirtless makes keeping focus impossible. His torso presses against me and I feel his breath giving me chills. He begins, "Tell me you are not falling for me." I tilt my head triumphantly, "I am no where near falling for you." He smiles and winks, "Rudy, you are such a bad liar."

"Nope. I'm a pretty good one actually. And, I'm not lying. I have no feelings for you whats-so-ever." He looks at me. He is amazingly good looking. "We both know that's not true." He leans in to kiss me but I turn my head just in time. He kisses my ear. "Damn, you ears are cold. Let's go to my room and watch a movie or something."

I follow him to his window, but realize what he plans on doing to me in his room. "I have to take care of my sister. Sorry. Night." I walk to my window when I felt his hand on my waist. His voice is low and husky, "Let her sleep. We can have loads of fun. Take your mind off things if you know what I mean." "

"Nope rather not. Goodnight, Aspen."

"Rudy. What is your secret. How can you resist me?"

"I don't have a secret. I can resist you, because I don't like you. Keep up with that ego of yours. For the last time, goodnight." And I start to climb the wall of my house into my window. When I shut the window, I notice Aspen standing awestruck. He is really adorable. He has a defined, strong jaw with soft blue-grey eyes. He has large muscles and dark hair. He is ultimately flawless. Before I shut the window I write down my number and make it into a paper airplane to fly into his window. I throw it and it lands on his bed, then I look to him, "You better go catch my number. Goodnight Aspen."

"Goodnight, Rudy." And like that I shut my window. If I wasn't too busy being a mother, I might have time for boys. The real winner of tonight was no one. He didn't get my attention, and I didn't want what he was giving me. But I sure am falling for the one of a kind, Mr. Aspen Tucker.


Hey guys. Crazy chapter huh? I'll try to update more later. Love y'all. Comment ideas!

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