NINE-- New Encounters and Confessions

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I have an idea. "Aspen, do you have your phone on you?"

"Yes, why?"

"Can I use it?"

"Sure. Anything for you."
I take his phone and dial a number I haven't in a long time. I press call and hold it up to my ear.

"Hello, Christopher Moore speaking."


He clears his throat. "Rudy?"

"Before you say anything. I need you to know that mom is dead-"

"Yes, I know."

"And you also need to know that you have been gone for three years. Three important years. You missed all my decision making and adult forming. And I have missed you, but haven't forgiven-"

"I know. I am sorry, I wish I could take it all back."

"And lastly, I need something of you."


"You're not going to like it."

He sighs as I hear his words quivering. "Anything."

"Keep in mind that I will pay you. I need you to regain custody of Heidi."

"Who's Heidi?"

That set me off. I was a time bomb, and I just blew up. "Heidi! Your daughter! She looks like you. Your dark hair and brown eyes. Your thin eyebrows but full lashes. She has your cheek freckles. She has your small and slightly hooked nose. She is a fucking child that you left. Would you leave if it was me? She is a three year old you! If you are going to fix anything, you need to sign her into your custody, and give her to me damn it!" I said each sentence a notch louder as I started a new one. He shouldn't have left a baby.

He sounds like he is crying, and all I can think is that it is good that he is in pain. "I will sign the papers, only if I get to meet her. I want to know what I missed out on, because I deeply and truly regret it. I don't need the money. I need this."

"Well if you are going to sign the papers, I need you to call DHS right now!"

"I will. Bye princess." He called me princess. That was my nickname when I was Heidi's age.

"Bye Christopher." I said and hung up. I notice was Aspen staring at me the whole time. "That look like it was pretty heated. Who did you call?"

I took a breath of air. I feel like I am suffocating. "My, uh, biological other parent. You k ow, not the dead one."

"Your father?"

"He sure as hell ain't my dad! He is just a name on my birth certificate. Fathers tuck you in bed," by this point I was crying and before I knew it he walked me inside, sat on the couch, and lifted me into his lap in a straddling position, and lied my head on his shoulder, "and read you bedtime stories. They don't leave your mom to give birth and die from stage for brain cancer! He isn't my father, he is a coward."

My anger wasn't directed at Aspen. I just needed someone to blame right now. "I'm sorry." I muttered through staggered breaths. "I know, I am too. It's all my fault."

"It's not your fault! How is it your fault?"

"If I didn't call Ashley here, she wouldn't have over heard us. If I hadn't have trusted you, you would have to gorge out all of your secrets. If I hadn't been an ass, none of the following events would have ever happened. I'm so sorry Rudy." He finally said. He had such a saddened look in his eye.

"It could have happened anytime. Honestly, it was only a matter of time itself and-"


"Yes Aspen?"

"I need to be honest and I don't want you to answer."


"I think-- I know that I am in love with you. Your amazing. From your golden hair, to your pastel green eyes and the freckles that cover your nose. It isn't only your look either. I love how daring and adventurous you are. Your first ride on a motorcycle, you declined a helmet. You jump twelve feet out of your window just to talk to me. You enjoy the wilderness. You climb trees-- I mean Aspens with me. And I love that about you. I love all about you. I love you."

I stare at him in silence. "Okay, I actually do want you to answer." He says with a worried look in his eyes.

I clear my throat as he wiped the tears from underneath my eyes. "I loved you since that first day in the garden Mr. Aspen Tucker. And from that day on my love never wavered." I said, but I was cut off by a rough and starving kiss. His lips are so soft as they clasped with mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and twirl my fingers in his dark hair. His hands stay firm on my waist. Everything I said was true.

I love him. All of him. I didn't only fall for him, but I fell in love for the Aspen Tucker.


We spent the next few hours talking-- and kissing occasionally. Okay, not so 'occasionally.' We kissed often.

"So, what's your favorite-" he was cut off by the ringing of his phone. He showed me the screen where my dad's-- Christopher's number was displayed. I grab the phone and run to the kitchen.

"Hello?" I say nearly out of breath.

"Rudy! I have her." He cries. He is actually crying. "I know that an apology will not do nearly enough to fix what I have done, but you were right. She is beautiful. Everything about her is. She looks like me. She is asleep. I was think though, now that I am in Virginia, can I, um, visit? I mean when I drop Heidi off."

"Yes, you can visit. Please hurry home with her please."

"Okay, bye Rudy."

"Bye dad." Dad slipped and I hung up before I could fix it. But maybe it is time to put that behind in the past.

It wasn't thirty minutes later until they arrived. I ran to open the door and ushered them in. "Rudy!" Heidi squealed.

"Heidi. Oh babe, I told you I would get you back." I whispered as I picked her up in a big hug.

"Rudy. You're.. You're so grown up. You look like Wendy." My dad says. My mom is referred to Wendy, considering that is her name.

"I know, trust me, I know." I say back.

Aspen walks in to greet Heidi and takes her from me.

"Christopher. Dad. I--"

"Rudy. How do you afford her and this place?"

"I work double shifts at the crazy cafe."

"Let me pay the house bills. For Heidi and your mother. Let my pay them for you."

"That is much appreciated... Dad."

He smiles and hugs me. I feel myself weeping softly. I can't stop, but I think that is okay.

"I better get going. Call me if you need anything. I'll make it up to you, I swear!" My dad says as I walk him to his car.

I wave him bye as he pulls out of my driveway and heads home. He might be a jack ass, but I still love him.

That reminds me. Aspen. He confessed his love for me. After Heidi goes to bed, I want to do something special for him. And I know exactly what that is.

So. Crazy chapter huh? Updating soon! Hang tight. Love y'all!

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