EIGHT-- Rumor Has It

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Anonymous POV

Who does she thing she is? Stealing my man. He belongs with me and soon enough, her secret will be out.

Aspen will be with me if it is the last thing I'll do. And that hoe is going down. Who should I tell first? The best part is, she doesn't have a mom or dad to comfort her. Sucks for her. I am going to ruin this slut's life!

"This is 911, what is your emergency?

"Hi, I am placing a complaint. Rudy Moore is caring for her sister under age and without a legal guardian. I'm afraid that is against the law."

"Can you give me an address?"

"Yes. 47697 E Berimorr Dr."

"Thank you. Social services are on its way."

She is going to wish she never told him her secret.

Back to Rudy

"Stop tickling me! Stop, I'm gonna pee!" Heidi squealed as a poke and grab at her stomach. "Bath time!"

We head upstairs, but are stopped by the door bell. I walk up to answer the door. I am met by officers and a well dressed woman.

"Are you Rudy Moore?"

"Why yes I am?"

"We are here to take Heidi Moore into the custody of DHS."

I run to grab Heidi, "No! You can't!"

"Ma'am. We have been informed that you are under age and there is the lack of presence of legal adults. Give her over."

"Rudy, what is going on?" Heidi asks me. I didn't know I was crying, but I was Bawling my eyes out. "Heidi, they are going to take you for a while, I am going to get you back I promise." I tell her as I carry her outside with the officers.

"No! Rudy! Don't let them! I don't wanna leave!" Heidi screams in tears.

"I'm so sorry babe, I'll see you soon, I promise."

"Rudy! What is happening?" Aspen comes out of his house rushing to my yard.

"Rudy! Don't let them take me!" Heidi cries as an officer carries her to his car.

"How could you! I told you my secret and you called the law? You son of a bitch, how could you?!" I screamed through my tears.

"I didn't say a word! I swear!" He says.

"Officer! Who told you?" I scream.

"It was a complaint from Ashely June."

"Ashley?" Aspen asks.

"Who is Ashley? You know her?"

"She was the girl from yesterday in the garden. She must have over heard us."

"Can I please say goodbye, please! I beg of you officer!"

"Make it quick."

I run to the side of the cop car where Heidi sits banging on the window. "Heidi baby, I am going to see you soon baby. Heidi. Heidi listen to me."

"No! No, I want to stay! No! Rudy!" She cries.

"Heidi, honey. I am going to get you back, I promise. I love you baby. I will get you back, for mom."


The car begins to drive away. "Rudy! Rudy! No! Rudy!" She screams until I can't hear her anymore.

I drop to my knees. I just lost everything I have. I am nothing. Nothing.

"Rudy. I am not letting them put her in another home. I am gonna get her back. I promise." Aspen comforts.

"How Aspen? Your side bitch ruined all chances. I just lost everything!" I cry. I have never cried in front of anyone but my mother before, and now everyone can see me. Frankly, I dont care. I need Heidi back.

I have an idea. "Aspen, do you have your phone on you?"

"Yes, why?"

"Can I use it?"

"Sure. Anything for you."
I take his phone and dial a number I haven't in a long time. I press call and hold it up to my ear.

"Hello, Christopher Moore speaking."


Sorry for the short chapter. But I wanted to leave a lot of suspense. So Ashley told on her. Do you think Aspen will go after Ashley? How do you think he will get her back? Updating soon! Hand tight! Love y'all!

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