TEN-- Yes

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Candles? Check.

Champagne? Check.

Heidi in bed? Check.

Me? Check.

Him? Damn it.

I text him.

~Hey. "Come down here and kiss me." :D

•You don't have to tell me twice :*

And maybe a minute later I hear the door bell. Of course it is him. I open the door, usher him in, and close it. He immediately pins me on the closed door. Our kiss has a spark every time, each time it feels like falling in love all over again.

He gave me a forever, a happiness, in a matter of days. Now I want to spend years with him. I break free. "Wait. I have something." I grab his hand and pull him into the living room. Then he sees it.

"A cherry red Fender Strat?! Oh my god!"

"Is that what that is? Sure."

"I love it- and you- so much!"

"Play me the song again."

He starts to strum, but I have to lean closer so I can hear it since I don't have an amp. It is more beautiful the second time. I love hearing the notes, the words, the sound itself. It makes me feel loved. I am loved.

He puts it down a looks at me. "If you're wondering why it isn't making a sound, it's because it is not plugged into an amp. I have one at my house-" "I know this, Aspen." We both laugh endlessly as we tell jokes.


"Close your eyes." I demand. He is so stubborn as he refuses. I hold his hands to his own eyes and the second I release, he does the same. I sigh in frustration. "Close your eyes!" I repeat. "Whats the magic word?"

I lean into him as my lips brush his. I am teasing him. I the second he leans in, I pull away only to brush his lips again. I pretend to lean in and I shift to his ear instead. "Close your eyes, please." I say in a raspy voice.

That did the trick. I mentally laugh at myself, the look on his face was priceless. I turn off the lights, "No peaking!" I light the candles and pour the champagne. This is going to be perfect. No only for him, but for me. I finally found my little happiness that only consists of Aspen and Heidi.

"Okay, now open." I say as I peel the hands away from his eyes. He takes one look at his surroundings, then at me with a smirk. "I mainly did this for me, so don't flatter yourself." I say, returning the smirk.

We lie down by the candles in my living room floor, and continue to ask each other questions. "What is your favorite color?" He asks. "Purple. You?"

"Green." He says. "Green? I don't see you as a green liking guy. I must be wrong. What type of green?" I ask further. "A pale- pastel like- green. For instance: your eyes." He says as his face reddens. He's blushing. Not to mention that I'm blushing back. His favorite color is based off of me. I am his favorite of something. Why does he make me feel so wanted?

"Why me?" I ask.

"What?" He seems taken off guard but I don't lighten up; out of curiosity.

"Out of every girl, why me? Why do I stand out? Why did you chase me? Why am I so different?" I ask. I look down at my feet, and glance occasionally. He looks taken aback- almost insulted.

"I must have done something wrong. I must have hurt you somehow. Why do you feel way? Why so insecure? I never want you to feel this way, ever."

"You haven't hurt me, or have done anything wrong. That is why I'm so confused. I mean I'm not pretty. Well, I'm not saying I am dreadful to necessarily look at, but I'm not pretty like the other girls-"

"That's because you're extraordinary. You make me want to forget my past because of you, cherish my present with you, and plan my future for you. You are not like the other girls. I knew that ever since that first night in the garden." He replies with a chuckle. His eyes are full of life and wild. What is he thinking about?

"Can I say something-" I start but am cut off by his sheer energy.

"Will you marry me?"

It took me off guard in a good way. But I couldn't find myself to answer.

He starts again. "We could by a big house, and start a life. And later we can start a family. Live together and be inseparable. Be in love under the same roof," He gasps as excitement fills his eyes, "We can adopt Heidi! What do you say?"

I ponder as you can physically see the easing look in his expression. "I say yes." His smirk reappeared on his face as I know that I am never going to regret this decision.


The champagne bottle his half empty. I take it into the kitchen with the glasses as Aspen blows out the last candle. I take his hand and lead him upstairs to my bedroom. Before you flip out, I am not hooking up with him. I haven't given in yet. Yet... we are too tired and he is locked out of his house.

He is so stupid, he locked himself out, leaving his phone and shutting his window. "Your room used to belong to a guy, you know that right?" He asks raising his eyebrow that arches above his droopy eyes.

"Yes. I figured as much. I don't know what to do with it without ruining it's history." I say honestly.

"History? You mean the previous owners, uh, artwork I guess?" He says and a confusing look marks his face.

"Exactly." I say in the state of confusion myself.

"I know what to do. It can wait until the morning though. I too tired." He says as he makes himself comfortable on my bed.

I stand still in the doorway as I watch him shift around in my bed to find the best angle of sleep. I turn off the lights and go to kiss him on his forehead. I lean down and suddenly, two hands grab my waist and lies me down nest to him in his arms in one swift motion. He is warm and inviting. And we lie there as slumber overtakes us. He holding me and I in his arms. It reminds me of his proposal; reminding me that now, I am forever his. His.


Who else is just in love with Aspen? I know I am, probably because I made him that way, but who cares?

Hang tight, updating soon!

Love y'all!

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