ELEVEN-- The Tip of My Nose

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I wake up and keep my eyes closed as the memories of last night rush over me like a breaking wave. I smile and open my eyes, staring at the face of a sleeping form.

I kiss his forehead. His eye slightly twitches. I kiss his cheek. His eyes twitches again. I kiss the tip of his nose and I see a slight smile tug at the corners of his mouth.

"I know you're awake Aspen." I say as I fit my head in the space near his neck, listening to his steady breaths and racing heart. "If I pretend I'm asleep will you keep loving on me?" He asks groggily. I give him a peck on his neck as I lie still next to him. "How about we don't. But we can say we did." I say as I give his neck another short and quick kiss.

He groans as he wraps his arms around my waist. "Five more minutes. I'm begging you." He says. "Of my kissing you or of sleep?" I ask half joking. "Both." He lets out a sleepy chuckle.

I look at the time. Heidi doesn't get up for another two hours maybe. Speaking of Heidi, "do you really want to adopt Heidi for me?" I ask him. His eyes pop open as he lifts his head to look at me, "more than anything." And with that he attacks me with butterfly kisses from my jawline to my collarbone.

I giggle and plead for him to stop. He finally does and tightens his grip on my waist, pulling me closer to his chest. My shirts rises a little as he pulls me and I feel his skin on my skin. It sends me shivers as it begins to give me sparks just by his touch.

"You cold?" He asks. I lie to cover up the fact that just by touching his skin it gives a huge affect. I nod my head and pulls me even closer, giving only a small space to breath. I love his breath. It's a minty/sugary smell. Spearmint maybe? It even shows in his morning breath. Almost as if he lives and breaths mouth wash. It attracts me... A lot.

I rub his chest and leaves a trail of quick kisses on his neck. He groans, "five more minutes?" He asks. "No Aspen, you said that ten minutes ago." I reply.

He rolls over to go back to sleep. I know how to get his attention; how to wake him up.

I get up and straddle his torso and lie my head on his upper chest. I run my thumb over his bottom lip and his eyes flicker open. I began to kiss him slowly, but passionately at the same time. He's awake.

I pull away immediately. "Okay, so now that your up, can you tell me your idea for the room?" I ask as I hover over his body. He grabs my thigh as he sits up. His touch sends me sparks again.

He sighs sleepily and begins to share his idea. "I have some old paint cans in the garage. We can put plastic wrap all over the floor and splatter paint on the wall. Therefor not ruining the previous owner's masterpiece, but adding on to it. What do you think?"

I stood and pondered. This sounds like a really good idea. "Even Heidi can help." He adds. I nod my head as he puts a shirt on.

We head downstairs as I begin to cook breakfast. Aspen hugs me from behind, nibbling on my ear lobe. "I want to stay like this forever, and never leave. I love you." He whispers. I turn to put my hands on his chest, my fingers curls around his shoulders slightly. His lips begin to brush mine as he pulls away and brushes them again. He forehead leans on mine as I wrap my arms around his neck, playing with the ends of his hair.

He leans and begins to kiss me slowly. His hands are firmly and strongly put on my waist. His kiss is rough, slow, and passionate at the same time. It leaves a wanting. It leaves me wanting.

He pulls away and rubs my bottom lip with his thumb. Feeling his warmth has me falling for him all over again. "I love you too." I say with wholehearted certainty.

He kisses my forehead, then the tip of my nose, then my lips, soft and quickly. "Let me go get the paint cans, I'll be right back, babe." I blush at the sudden nickname. "You look cute when you blush." He adds. I roll my eyes as I flip the semi burnt pancake. He always seems to distract me.

I walk to Heidi's room. She is still asleep. I watch the way her chest rises and falls, her breaths steady, before I wake her up. "Heidi. Heidi, baby, wake up." He moans and rolls to the other side of her bed. "I made pancakes." Her eyes flicker open in excitement as she sits up on her bed. "Let's go." I say as I pick her up and put her on my hip to carry her downstairs.

We eat our pancakes as Aspen walks in with a lot of paint cans in each hand. He looks like it doesn't even effect him, like it isn't heavy at all. He sets them on the ground and makes his way over to Heidi. He kisses her cheek, "Mm, you takes like syrup." He chuckles. "I made you some, it is in the microwave." I say as he makes his way over to get his food. We enjoy the set of breakfast like a family, because soon, that is what we will be.

When we finished, we made our way to my room. "Shall we begin?" Aspen asks with excitement as I nod my head. "Let's get to it!"

Hey. Short chapter. I know. Sorry. Hope yall enjoy reading it as much as I do writing it. Updating soon. Love yall.

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