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AMY, STILL DRESSED IN HER NIGHTGOWN AND ROBE, is floating outside the open door of the TARDIS as the Doctor holds onto her ankle

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AMY, STILL DRESSED IN HER NIGHTGOWN AND ROBE, is floating outside the open door of the TARDIS as the Doctor holds onto her ankle. Sam's feet dangle outside of the box as she sits on the edge of the box.

Her heart is pounding with adrenaline as she watches her best friend float in the air. Her giggles float through the air as she looks around the large space the Doctor parked them in.

"Come on, Pond." The Doctor says pulling her back inside the box. "NOW do you believe me?" He asks the women.

"OK, your box is a spaceship. It's really, really a spaceship. We are in space! Whoo!" Sam cheers as she moves her head forward more.

"What are we breathing?" Amy inquires.

"I've extended the air shell - we're fine." He tells them when he spots something below them and squats beside Sam.

Amy and Sam notice that they are floating directly over the spaceship. "Now, that's interesting. 29th Century. Solar flares roast the earth, and the entire human race packs its bags and moves out till the weather improves. Whole nations..." the Doctor trails off.

"Doctor?" Amy shouts but unfortunately are muffled.

"..migrating to the stars." The Doctor continues not hearing Amy's shouts.

"Doctor?" Sam says as she notices Amy not within the TARDIS.

"Isn't that amazing?" He asks the two girls.

"Doctor!" Amy repeats a lot more louder.

The Doctor looks up from the console to see Amy isn't there, Sam points towards the door as she goes back to looking around the console. Amy is outside clinging to the roof of the TARDIS.

The Doctor stands in doorway looking up at the ginger haired woman. "Well, come on. I've found us a spaceship." He says.

The Doctor has pulled up the spaceship on the TARDIS monitor. "This is the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland - all of it, bolted together and floating in the sky. Starship UK. It's Britain, but metal. That's not just a ship - that's an idea. That's a whole country, living and laughing and...shopping." The Doctor says causing the two men to chuckle. "Searching the stars for a new home." He finishes.

"Can we go out and see?" Amy questions.

"Course we can but first, there's a thing." The Doctor informs them.

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