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OCTAVIAN AND THE CLERICS WALK CAREFULLY through the forest, keeping River, Amy and Sam safely in the center

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OCTAVIAN AND THE CLERICS WALK CAREFULLY through the forest, keeping River, Amy and Sam safely in the center. The further into the forest they get, the more that River notices that Amy is beginning to walk slower.

"Amy?" River says as she walks over and takes a hold of Amy's arms. "Amy, what's wrong?" She asks.

"Amy, what's wrong?" Sam repeats River question as she joins the duo.

"Four." Amy responds as she lays her body on a moss-covered rock.

"Med-scanner, now!" River orders, one of the clerics who gives it to her.

"River, is she gonna be ok?" Sam questions the older woman.

"I don't know." River adds.

"Dr Song, we can't stay here, we've got to keep moving." Octavian says.

"We wait for the Doctor." River says as she begins to use the scanner on Amy.

"Our mission is to make this wreckage safe and neutralise the Angels. Until that is achieved..." Octavian begins.

"Father Octavian, when the Doctor is in the room, your only mission is to keep him alive long enough to get everyone else home. And trust me. It's not easy." River interrupts him. "Now, if he's dead back there, I'll never forgive myself, and if he's alive, I'll never forgive him. And, Doctor, you're standing right behind me, aren't you?" River finishes.

"Oh, yeah." Sam hears his voice causing her look up from her sitting position on the floor.

River pulls a face at Sam causing the young woman to let out giggle. "I hate you!" River tells him as she turns around.

"You don't. Bishop, the Angels are in the forest." The Doctor says as he goes to Amy's side.

"We need visual contact on every line of approach." Octavian orders his men.

"How did you get past them?" River questions him.

"Found a crack in the wall and told them it was the end of the universe." He tells her.

"What was it?" Amy questions him.

"The end of the universe." He answers quickly. "Let's have a look then." He says as he takes the machine from River to check it.

"So. what's wrong with me?" Amy questions him.

"Nothing. you're fine." River reassures her.

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