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A RIVER OF PEOPLE FLOOD ON AND OFF OF A TRAIN. EVERYONE SEEMS TO BE MOVING IN THE SAME DIRECTION, whether it's going boarding the train or getting off the train.

A blue eyed woman makes her way down the path. A bicycle bell rings from behind her, she turns just in time to see the familiar man barreling toward her. She jumps out of his path and lets out a giggle as he waits for her.

"Hey, Rory." She grins at him.

"You never told us you were coming up, Sam." Rory greets her as he gets off his bike and hugs her.

"Well, I wanted it to be a surprise." She tells him.

"Rory, it's starting!" The familiar voice of Sam's best friend and Rory's wife screams.

Rory drops the bike to the ground and runs inside with Sam following right behind him. Sam watches Rory rushes to his wife's side. "Ah. OK, OK..." He begins

Sam let's out a snicker as she spots her best friend sitting down, eating some batter from a bowl. "False alarm." Her best friend informs him.

"What?" Rory questions her.

"False alarm." Amy repeats.

"What?" Rory repeats.

"Well, I don't know what it feels like. I've never had a baby before." Amy says as she feeds him some of the batter. "What the hell are you doing here?" She then gasps as she spots the familiar blonde behind her husband.

"Surprise." Sam giggles as she watches Rory help Amy up to hug her.

The two women share a hug and laugh as they struggle. There is a whooshing sound in the background. "Mmm!" Rory groans in the background as he continues to eat the batter.

"No." Amy mutters as she and Sam break from the hug to look around.

"I know - leaf blowers." Rory sighs. "Use a rake!" Rory calls out.

"No, it's..." Amy trails off as she puts the bowl on the table

They both look to the window and see the TARDIS materialize outside. "I knew. I just knew." Amy grins as she and Sam share a look.

As they head outside, Sam let's out a gasp as she spots the TARDIS has landed in the middle of Amy's flowers. The door opens and the Doctor pops his head out to see where he is.

He then steps out, knocking a stone from the small retaining wall. "Rory." The alien cheers as Rory comes out to greet him.

"Doctor." Rory smiles at him.

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