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THEY WAKE UP IN THE EMPTY CARE HOME LOUNGE, THE BLONDE'S EYES DART around the room as she looks for the old people who were just in the room

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THEY WAKE UP IN THE EMPTY CARE HOME LOUNGE, THE BLONDE'S EYES DART around the room as she looks for the old people who were just in the room.

"Oh, this is bad. This is very, very bad." The familiar voice the Dream Lord says as he enters dressed in a suit holding X-ray film. "Look at this X-ray. Your brain is completely see-through. But then, I've always been able to see through you, Doctor." He adds.

"Always? What do you mean, always?" Amy questions him.

"Now then, the prognosis is this." The hologram begins as the Doctor sits in Mrs Poggit's vacated chair. "If you die in the dream you wake up in reality. Healthy recovery in next to no time. Ask me what happens if you die in reality?" He begins.

"What happens?" Rory questions him.

"You die, stupid. That's why it's called reality." The Dream Lord deadpans.

"Have you met the Doctor before? Do you know him? Doctor, does he?" Amy questions the Time Lord.

"Now don't get jealous. He's been around, our boy. Never mind that. You've got a world to choose. One reality was always too much for you, Doctor. Oh and Sam, enjoy your little surprise." The hologram smirks before turning back to the others. "Take two and call me in the morning." He says before disappearing.

"OK, I don't like him." Rory says.

"What sort of surprise?" Sam asks the Doctor, Amy and Rory, all three of the shrug their shoulders.

"Who is he?" Amy asks the Doctor as she crosses her arms.

"I don't know. It's a big universe." The Doctor answers.

"Why is he doing this?" Rory questions him.

"Never mind that question. Here's the best question: What did you do to piss him off?" Sam questions him before her attention goes to the window spotting someone walking by.

"I don't know and watch your mouth." The Doctor scolds her. "Maybe because he has no physical form. That gets you down after a while, so he's taking it out on folk like us who can touch and eat and feel." The shaggy haired man says as he stands and removes jumper.

"What does he mean, deadly danger? Nothing deadly has happened here. A bit of natural wastage, obviously." Rory answers.

"They've all gone. They've all gone." The Doctor points out.

The Doctor runs out and the others follow in pursuit. Sam spots a bunch of children with their teacher on the playground next to some ruins. The Doctor exits the old people's home and watches as some of the children head into the ruins. "Why would they leave?" Rory questions the Doctor.

"And what did you mean about Mrs Poggit's act?" Amy also quizzes the Doctor completely unaware of Sam wandering off.

"One of my tawdry quirks – sniffing out things that aren't what they seem. So come on, let's think. The mechanics of this split we're stuck in... Time asleep matches time in our dream world, unlike in conventional dreams." The Doctor explains.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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