Eleven --

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I paused outside the glass doors of Leila's law office, my hands stuffed into the pockets of my designer jeans

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I paused outside the glass doors of Leila's law office, my hands stuffed into the pockets of my designer jeans. The uncertainty gnawed at me, an uncomfortable itch I couldn't quite scratch. I knew visiting Leila at her job wasn't the most conventional way to mend fences, but I couldn't shake the feeling that it was necessary.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed the door open and stepped inside. The moment I crossed the threshold, the whole room seemed to freeze. Conversations halted mid-sentence, fingers hovered above keyboards, and all eyes turned toward me.

"Is that... Kaanon?" a woman whispered loudly to a nearby co-worker, her dark brown eyes wide with shock. She attempted to mask her excitement with feigned nonchalance, but it was clear that she was struggling to keep her cool.

Leila's other co-workers exchanged glances, their surprise evident on their faces. There were stifled gasps and hushed whispers, as they tried not to make it obvious that they were staring. A few of them even fumbled for their phones, likely trying to discreetly snap a photo or two – but they held back, respecting my need for space.

The atmosphere in the room was electric, charged with anticipation and curiosity. It wasn't every day that a famous rapper walked through the doors of a law office, I guessed. But there I stood, looking somewhat out of place in my casual attire and clean dunks, exuding an undeniable air of confidence.

I cleared my throat, drawing the attention of everyone in the room once more. "I, uh, need to speak with Leila," I said, my voice uncertain yet firm. I knew I had to make amends, even if it meant facing the judgment of Leila's colleagues.

"Of course," the woman replied, her voice a mix of awe and professionalism. "Yazmin, a pleasure to meet you. I'll let her know you're here."

As Yazmin disappeared into Leila's office to deliver the news, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the gazes still fixed on me. I shifted uncomfortably, trying to ignore the stares and whispers that floated through the room. This was a world far removed from my own, but I knew I had to face it head-on for Leila's sake – and for my own peace of mind.

Once it became clear that I wasn't going to be ushered away immediately, a few of Leila's co-workers mustered the courage to approach me. They tried to be subtle, but their excitement was palpable as they shuffled closer like moths drawn to a flame.

"Yo, Kaanon, I'm a huge fan," one of them said, trying to sound casual but failing miserably. "I don't want to bother you or anything, but could we get a quick picture?" He held up his phone, already set to camera mode, with a hopeful grin.

"Of course, man," I replied, forcing a smile despite my growing unease. The last thing I wanted was to cause a scene in Leila's workplace, but it seemed unavoidable at this point.

As I posed for the photo, another co-worker sidled up to me and handed me his business card with a sly wink. "If you ever need any legal advice, just give me a call," he said, his tone suggesting more than just professional interest.

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