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LUCIANA OPENED HER Closet and looked for something to wear. Richie leaned against her doorframe. His eyes checking out his girlfriend. How'd he get so lucky?

"Luciana." Richie called out.

Luciana jumped and whipped her head around "Richard, I swear to God."

"I thought you'd be happy to see me." Richie stated, sitting on her bed.

Luciana looked over to her boyfriend then straddled his waist. Richie held her close and rubbed her sides. He looked up at his girlfriend in total awe. Why would someone so gorgeous go for someone like him?

"I am, trust me." Luciana smiled, rubbing his cheeks softly.

He tilted his head to side and kissed her. She kissed back. Richie fell back onto her bed, rubbing her sides.

"You're not getting action right now." Luciana smirked.

"Oh, come on!" Richie whined, looking up at his girlfriend.

She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Luciana, please?" He pouted.

She kissed his cheek and hummed "No."

He whined.

"You and your brother act so much alike." Luciana giggled.

"I don't act like Ethan, okay? I'm way better looking than him." Richie argued.

Luciana crossed her arms and raised her brow. Richie looked at her, confusion painted on his face.

"I don't!" Richie exclaimed.

"Yeah, you do, and you guys are equally as handsome, no competition." Luciana giggled.

"Really?" Richie smirked.

"You're starting to act more and more like each other, plus you're acting like Billy Loomis right now, that's Sam's job." Luciana smirked, raising her brows.

He chuckled, rubbing her sides. She sighed then leaned down to kiss him. Richie kissed back and flipped them over so he was on top of her. Luciana looked at him.

"Do you trust me?" Richie questioned, stroking her cheek.

Luciana nodded, biting her lip. Richie kissed her jaw down to her neck.

"Oh, God.." She mumbled.

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LUCIANA HID BEHIND Her car which was parked next to Vince Schneider's.

stu macher 2.0

He's on his
way out.
Now's your cue

Aye aye captain

Luciana put her phone away then slowly walked over to Vince's car starting it. She revved the engine Red Right Hand blaring through the speakers.

"How original." Luciana thought to herself.

"Is that you, pretty boy, huh? Get out of my fucking car!" Vince exclaimed.

Luciana hid behind Vince's car. Vince turned off the engine of his car, looking over to the wall. Luciana took this as a chance to stand behind Vince and stabbed him in the hip. Vince fell to the ground trying to scurry away.

"You're not getting away easily, Schneider." Luciana thought to herself.

Luciana got on top of Vince then stabbed him in the same spot six more times.

"Stop! Stop!" Vince cried out, blood spewing out of his mouth.

Luciana backed away from Vince wiping her knife clean. She got in her car then took off her mask. Her phone rang. Richie's contact on her screen. She answered it, driving home.

"Hey, how'd it go?" Richie questioned, whispering.

"You're with Sam, aren't you?" Luciana rolled her eyes.

"I love you, but I have to act the part, remember?" Richie reminded.

Luciana sighed and nodded. Richie cleared his throat.

"I have to go. I'll come by tomorrow. I love you." Richie told her.

"I love you, too." Luciana replied, pulling into her driveway.

"Luce?" Richie sighed.

"Yes, Richard?" She leaned her head back.

"I'm proud of you." Richie praised.

"At least someone in my life is." Luciana looked at her hands.

"Being Ghostface is way cooler than being a scholar." Richie chuckled.

"I did have fun." Luciana pursed her lips together.

"Are you home?" Richie asked.

"Yeah, why?" Luciana furrowed her brows together.

"I think I might be able to see you tonight." Richie whispered.

"Can't wait." Luciana blushed.

Luciana looked at herself in her car mirror. Richie's masterpiece was visible on her neck.

"Love you." He smiled.

"I love you, too." Luciana said, hanging up her phone. 

Luciana got out of her car, locking the doors. She walked into her house waiting for Richie.


{This is my first time writing an oc who's working with the villains, so bare with me if this is really bad.}


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