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IN THE MORNING Richie made breakfast for Luciana. Being the good husband he was brought it up to her. Luciana sat up and covered her mouth. He sat the tray on her lap then laid down next to her.

"Thank you, Roachie." Luciana giggled, petting his hair.

Richie smiled at her and rubbed her arm. He loved her and wanted to be a good husband and some day a good father.

"You're welcome, Luce." Richie replied, rubbing her arm, soothingly.

Luciana smiled at him, cutting into her pancakes. While she was eating her phone vibrated. It was either Ethan, Arianna, or Vince.

"Can you get that?" Luciana looked over to Richie, chewing on a piece of her pancake she cut up.

He nodded and unplugged her phone from the charger. He hummed and unlocked her phone. It was a text from Ethan.

"Ethan texted, he said they went to the shrine and the twins are accusing him of being the killer, because he wasn't at the apartment, even though technically he was. He said that they planned to lure Ghostface at the park, being an open area. Mindy is being an annoying bitch." Richie read the text to Luciana.

Luciana couldn't help, but laugh at that. Richie smirked a bit, too. His brother shared his temper.

"Anything else?" Luciana questioned, finishing her breakfast.

Richie scrolled down a bit and bit his lip "Yeah, he said that Quinn is gonna go after Gale. He also said that you and I are gonna reveal ourselves in Act 3 to throw our dad off and betray Wayne and Quinn wherever Act 3 takes place."

Luciana hummed in response. They would need Ghostface costumes and voice changers for it to work.

"Ask him about what we wear and our voice changers for the big reveal." Luciana put the plate with the knife and fork on the nightstand then looked over to her husband.

Richie typed out the message then sent it, handing Luciana back her phone. He kissed her cheek then got up to take her dishes to the kitchen. Luciana followed him downstairs, waiting for Ethan to text back. What if their plan backfired?

"Roachie?" Luciana questioned, biting her lip.

He hummed in response, putting her dishes in the dishwasher. Luciana second guessed herself and rubbed her face.

"Wait, we need to think of how to do this right, Roachie." Luciana stated, walking over to Richie, wrapping her arms around his waist.

Richie turned around, wrapping his arms around her. He sighed, resting his chin on her head.

"You, me, and Ethan are gonna have this bomb ass plan, and we're gonna kill my dad and Quinn. Protect Vince and Arianna, and hopefully fix things with Sam and Tara." Richie explained, rubbing her back.

Luciana leaned up and pecked his lips. He pecked back. They had to do this the right way.

 They had to do this the right way

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𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐈𝐓: 𝐑. 𝐊𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐂𝐇Where stories live. Discover now