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"RUN!" Richie yelled, grabbing onto Sam and Luciana.

Luciana ran down the stairs to the basement turning around to Richie and Sam.

"Hurry up!" Luciana yelled, looking at the pair.

Sam and Richie ran down the stairs.

"Oh my God, Tara!" Sam panicked, trying to run up the stairs.

"Wait, no, Sam." Richie stopped her.

Luciana looked at Richie then Sam.

"She has a gun. There are always two killers." Luciana explained.

Three in this case. Sam backed away from Richie aiming the knife at his face.

"Sam!" Luciana exclaimed.

"Sam, please put the knife down." Richie raised his hands in surrender.

Luciana rolled her eyes "We think Tara might be the other killer."

"What?!" Sam yelled.

Luciana pinched the bridge of her nose.

"She's the one that brought us here and you two have been estranged for years." Richie sighed "I mean how well do you really know her?"

"Better than I know you." Sam gritted her teeth then ran upstairs.

Luciana looked upstairs then kissed Richie's arm. Richie sighed, looking down at her.

"Let's go hide so it's not like we're really victims." Luciana giggled.

Richie smirked, rubbing her hips "God, I love you."

Luciana winked "I love you, too."

They went to hide in the closet.

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RICHIE GOT OUT His voice changer and called Sidney's number.

"Hello, Sidney!" Richie smirked.

"Hello there. Where'd you go?" Sidney questioned.

"Oh, this isn't Amber. I'm the other one." Richie kept smirking.

"Oh, there's two of you. Again." Sidney sighed.

Three, but she didn't need to know about Luciana's involvement just yet.

"I've seen this movie before." Sidney stated.

"Not this movie, Sidney." Richie corrected.

"You really need some new material." Sidney replied.

Luciana rolled her eyes. Richie, hurry up.

"I got you here, didn't I?" Richie inquired.

Luciana grabbed her knife from her boot then moved it to the back of her pants. Richie gave her a thumbs up.

"You might actually be the most derivative one of all. I mean, Christ, the same house?" Sidney questioned.

Gun shots could be heard.

"Maybe so. But you forgot the first rule of surviving a Stab movie. Never answer the-" Richie was cut off by Sidney.

"I'm bored." Sidney responded.

"Wait!" Richie exclaimed.

Sidney shot at the door hitting Richie in the thigh.

"Richie!" Luciana cried.

"Put your hands up! Both of you! Show me your hands!" Sidney yelled at the pair.

Luciana and Richie raised their hands in surrender.

"What are you doing in here?" Sidney inquired, aiming her gun at the pair.

"Hiding from murderers." Richie responded.

Luciana smacked him over the head.

"Ow!" Richie whined, holding the back of his head.

"I told you to come out!" Sidney stated.

"We're not gonna come out! You're shooting everything!" Luciana exclaimed.

Amber came out, tackling Sidney.

"Holy shit, it's Ghostface!" Richie exclaimed.

"Roachie, shut up!" Luciana rolled her eyes.

Sidney and Amber fought then flew over the stairs. Luciana wrapped Richie's arm around her as they walked down the stairs.

"Richie! Luciana! Gun. Get the gun." Sidney coughed.

"Yeah, kinda hard since you shot me in the leg!" Richie yelled at her.

Sam picked up the gun aiming it at Amber. As soon as they got downstairs Luciana stood behind Sam, smirking.

Richie stood in front of Sam "Thank God, you're okay."

Luciana stabbed Sam in the side, twisting the knife. Sam screamed in pain.

Richie placed his hand on Luciana's while looking at Sam "Cause we really...really wanted to be the ones that killed you."

Luciana pecked Richie on the lips. Richie smirked at his girlfriend. Luciana giggled, looking at Sam. It was now revealed that Richie and Luciana were the second and third killers.

 It was now revealed that Richie and Luciana were the second and third killers

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𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐈𝐓: 𝐑. 𝐊𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐂𝐇Where stories live. Discover now