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LUCIANA RAN TO Get out of her Ghostface costume. Richie came over to her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Roachie..." Luciana giggled.

"Why do you keep calling me that?" Richie kissed her shoulder, swaying her side to side.

"Cause it's cute." Luciana blushed.

"I wanted to ask, maybe we should fake our deaths..?" Richie whispered.

Luciana turned to face Richie and cupped his face. Richie sighed, placing his hands on top of hers.

Luciana bit her lip and sighed "Okay.."

Richie kissed her softly. Luciana kissed back, rubbing his arms. Richie pulled away.

"Come on." Luciana told Richie, walking back inside Amber's.

"Okay." Richie sighed, following her.

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SAM LOOKED BETWEEN Luciana and Richie. What was going on between them? Amber turned to her party guests.

"Alright, everyone! Thanks for coming, but the party's over!" Amber yelled.

The partygoers complained. Luciana looked at Richie for help.

Richie turned on the lights "Hey, hey, hey! Hello! Can we cut the music, please? Hi...Gen Z. How are you? Both Sam and Tara have been attacked by the killer twice. Now they're here, which makes this place a huge murder target, so, if I were you, I'd probably leave."

A partygoer tossed their green solo cup at Richie's head. Luciana covered her mouth, giggling.

"Okay, I tried to be nice. Get the fuck out! Please get the fuck out. Sincerely, get the fuck out!" Richie told the guests.

"Buzzkill." A partygoer snapped at Richie.

Luciana raised a brow at her boyfriend. Richie winked at her. Her boyfriend was definitely a dumbass.

"Thank you. Thank you all. I'm saving your life. I promise. Thanks, teens." Richie told the guests as they exited Amber's house.

Sam shook her head at Richie then followed Amber and Tara. Richie looked at Sam then Luciana. Luciana wrapped her arms around Richie's waist.

"I can't wait till I kill her." Richie mumbled.

"You will, Roachie." Luciana winked.

Richie sighed. He better.

 He better

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𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐈𝐓: 𝐑. 𝐊𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐂𝐇Where stories live. Discover now