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LATER IN THE Night Luciana heard the ambulance coming down the street. Ethan did it. Luciana closed the curtain and looked over to Richie. He wrapped his arm around her and sighed.

"Call Arianna, I need to speak to her and her cousin." Luciana bit her lip, closing the curtains, turning around to face Richie.

Richie nodded and got his phone out, walking into another room "Okay."

Luciana covered her mouth then ran to the bathroom, puking. Richie hung up the call then sat next to Luciana, rubbing her back. They were excited to have a baby, but the throwing up was not something Luciana enjoyed.

Luciana sat up and leaned back into Richie "6 months better hurry up."

Richie kissed her cheek and sighed, softly. She was right. They were both excited though.

"We'll get through this together. I won't leave you, ever. I promise." Richie said, planting another kiss on her cheek, stroking her arms to calm her down.

Luciana placed a hand on his leg, getting comfortable. She hummed and closed her eyes. Richie was hoping she'd get some rest, she needed it.

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ARIANNA AND VINCE Sat on the couch in Richie and Luciana's home. They told Richie and Luciana that Ghostface killed Quinn, Quinn's boyfriend, and Anika.

"Arianna, Sam, and myself are being framed for your guys fake murder and Amber's murder." Vince told Richie and Luciana, looking between Arianna, Richie and Luciana.

Luciana leaned against the wall, crossing her arms. She felt bad that Arianna, Sam, and Vince were being framed by Bailey and Quinn. Why didn't Ethan tell Richie or herself?

"Vince and Sam have been getting stuff thrown on them. What are you planning on doing?" Arianna questioned, her arms crossed over her chest as she wanted to protect her younger cousin.

Luciana looked over to Richie, nervous on what they could do to protect Vince, Ethan, and Arianna.

"What are we supposed to do? We're 'dead'." Richie reminded the two, averting his eyes between his wife and the cousins.

Arianna pursed her lips and looked over to Vince, noticing how uneasy he looked. Vince cleared his throat and sighed, deeply. Could he trust Richie and Luciana? Luciana was a bit skeptical in case Vince slipped up.

"We'll protect you both, but you can't tell anyone we're alive." Luciana spoke up, looking directly at Vince.

Richie placed a hand on Luciana's shoulder, squeezing it gently. Arianna nodded and stood up, wrapping her arm around Luciana.

"If you tell anyone. The deal is off, okay?" Luciana warned, pointing her finger at Vince.

Vince nodded, rapidly. It scared him that Ghostface was back now he and his cousin were asking two former Ghostface killers for protection.

"I understand." Vince nodded, standing up.

Luciana and Vince shook hands then Richie and Vince. Arianna and Vince left. Luciana sighed, leaning her head back. Richie planted a tiny kiss on her head, rubbing her back.

"Just remember what we have planned with Ethan." Richie attempted to calm down his wife.

Luciana turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck. Richie wrapped his arms around her waist. They had a plan to follow through it. Protect the Macher/Schneider family and help Ethan take down Bailey and Quinn.

 Protect the Macher/Schneider family and help Ethan take down Bailey and Quinn

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𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐈𝐓: 𝐑. 𝐊𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐂𝐇Where stories live. Discover now