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Luciana plopped down on the bed after finally putting Richie Jr. to bed. Richie rubbed her back, holding her close.

"We're staying here, right?" Luciana questioned, referring to them living in New York still to watch over or keep in touch with the others.

Richie nodded, planting a kiss to her head. Luciana wanted to stay for Ethan and the others. Especially since the godparents of RJ were Arianna and Ethan.

"Babe, whatever happens. You and I are always going to be together and I promised you we'd stay here to protect Ethan and the others. I retired from the Ghostface shit, because of the baby and so did you. Hopefully this is the end of all this madness, because I don't want our son to grow up knowing his parents are former serial killers. We're different now that we're living in New York and that we can finally raise our child in peace and give him all the love he needs and deserves. I love you and I love RJ. I plan to protect you both." Richie replied, running his fingers through Luciana's hair that has known grown to be at her shoulders.

Richie loved Luciana, ever since they met on the Stab subreddit. He was always going to be there for her, she was his best friend and his wife. Luciana felt the same way about Richie. Everything Luciana did in the last year was protect Richie and their friends, Arianna and Vince. Luciana hummed at that and rubbed his chest, relaxing in his arms.

"Thank you for being my everything, Richard Henry Bailey." Luciana mumbled, her teeth biting her bottom lip, gently.

Richie smiled softly at that. They were safe and so was the baby that's all that mattered to both of them. He got lucky and his happy ending. He didn't want to lose that, ever.

Richie chuckled "Thank you for being my everything, too, Luciana Mae Chang-Bailey."

Luciana yawned, checking the clock that sat on their nightstand. She barely got any sleep now that their son was born. She was happy that they got to meet him, but being a parent was a hard job.

"Tired?" Richie looked down at his wife, concerned for her.

Luciana closed her eyes, nodding. She rubbed his chest and started to drift off to sleep.

"Night, Roachie." Luciana mumbled, tiredly.

Richie kissed her head, closing his eyes himself. He covered them both up in the blanket, wrapping his arms securely around Luciana.

"Night, Luce." Richie responded before falling asleep directly after her.


{As much as Roachie annoyed me in Scream 2022 it was nice to change up who I wrote about in the Scream universe. I've grown to like Roachie and I was excited to branch out who I liked. So this is truly the end of Richiana, I will probably write them in Scream 7 whenever that movie comes out and I wanna thank you for your love and support throughout this journey and stay tuned for future fics in the making!!}

 So this is truly the end of Richiana, I will probably write them in Scream 7 whenever that movie comes out and I wanna thank you for your love and support throughout this journey and stay tuned for future fics in the making!!}

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