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LUCIANA SIGHED AS Richie kissed her head.

"I love you." He mumbled into her hair.

"I love you, too." She responded.

He kissed her, rubbing her sides. She kissed back.

"I'm gonna get some beer, wanna come with me?" Richie wiggled his brows.

Luciana hummed and rubbed his chest.

"Is that code for a make out session?" She smirked.

"A little bit." He winked.

"I think Amber said it was in the basement, but I could be wrong." She kissed his cheek then went to the basement.

Richie walked into the kitchen then opened the fridge.

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LUCIANA BIT HER Lip as Richie pinned her to the fridge. Richie kissed her cheek down to her neck.

"Oh my God.." Luciana moaned.

Richie covered her mouth as he kept sucking on her sweet spot.

"Who's gonna attack Mindy?" Luciana mumbled into Richie's hand.

"Me." Richie sighed.

"Be careful." Luciana cupped his face.

Richie put on the Ghostface costume and went back upstairs to attack Mindy.

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RICHIE CAME BACK Down to the basement and got out of the Ghostface costume.

"Get the beer, so, it doesn't look suspicious." Richie whispered.

Luciana nodded and got the beer bottles. Richie grabbed some, too. They both walked upstairs. Luciana and Richie played the part of not knowing what just happened. Richie and Luciana dropped the beer bottles.

"What the fuck?" Richie and Luciana cursed.

Sam turned to them, confused.

"Richie, Luciana, where the fuck were you two?" Sam questioned them.

"We went into the basement to get some beer." Richie explained.

"You went into the basement alone?" Amber snapped.

"I was with him!" Luciana yelled.

Liv and Amara ran into the living room.

"What the fuck?" Amara cried out seeing Mindy.

"Stay the fuck back." Amber warned the pair.

"Jesus Christ!" Liv cried seeing Mindy.

"I was with Tara, but the rest of you were wandering around. One of you is the fucking killer!" Amber exclaimed, pointing at Sam, Richie, Luciana, Liv, and Amara.

"Fuck you, Amber. Fuck you!" Liv yelled.

"Why is there blood on your guys hands?" Sam asked.

Amara looked down at her hands "We found Chad.."

Luciana covered her mouth, a smirk played on her lips. The plan was in motion.

"Chad?" Sam inquired.

"You're fucking lying." Amber snapped.

Amara and Liv looked at each other then Amber.

"No." Liv cried.

"You're the killer." Richie spoke up.

"No, we're not." Amara panicked.

"Liv, Amara, stop. Liv, Amara, Liv, Amara, just stop!" Amber yelled.

"Fuck you, Amber, we're not the fucking killers!" Liv yelled.

Amber pulled out her gun "I know."

Amber shot Amara in the head then Liv. Luciana gasped and held onto Richie. Amber turned to Sam, Richie, and Luciana.

"Welcome to Act 3." Amber smirked, aiming the gun at them.

" Amber smirked, aiming the gun at them

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𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐈𝐓: 𝐑. 𝐊𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐂𝐇Where stories live. Discover now