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SAM LOOKED BETWEEN Richie and Luciana.

"You guys are dating?" Sam whispered.

"You betcha." Luciana grinned.

Sidney tried to get up.

Richie aimed the gun at Sidney "Sit the fuck down, Prescott!"

Amber unmasked taking the gun from Richie and aiming it at Sidney. Luciana rested her chin on Sam's shoulder, knife still in Sam's side. Richie took out Tara's inhaler from his pocket. Sam stared at it in horror.

"I can't believe this worked." Richie smirked, tossing the inhaler behind him.

Sam looked at Richie then Luciana.

"I know. It's a bummer it's us." Luciana cooed.

Richie got out the voice changer "But it really was the best choice for the movie."

Luciana giggled.

"This isn't a fucking movie!" Sam yelled at Richie.

Luciana pulled Sam's hair back and looked at her "Don't you dare yell at him."

Sam cried out in pain.

"Luce. No. But it will be." Richie nodded.

"That's the point, right, Amber?" Luciana smirked.

"Right, loves! Third act bloodbath, check. Killers revealed, check. Time for the big finale!" Amber exclaimed.

"Richie.." Sam cried.

Luciana pulled the knife out of Sam's side. Sam cried out in pain.

"Let's get 'em into the kitchen." Amber told Luciana and Richie.

Luciana grabbed Sam by the hair, dragging her behind Sidney and Amber. Sam whimpered in pain. Luciana tossed Sam into the cabinet.

"Someone has to save the franchise. You see, no one has made a great Stab movie since the first one. Not really." Richie stated.

"Amb, do you want to go get the very ex-Mrs. Riley?" Luciana smirked.

"Yeah, I do." Amber smirked then left.

"How could you?" Sam cried.

Luciana tilted her head "He was my boyfriend since day one, darling."

Sidney tried to escape. Richie kissed Luciana's cheek then went over to Sidney.

"Hey, hey. Whoa..whoa. Sidney Prescott. You know..I'm a really big fan." Richie blushed.

"Go fuck yourself." Sidney spat.

"You see the last Stab movie?" Richie questioned.

Luciana aimed her knife at Sam and chuckled. Sam looked away from her. Luciana placed the knife underneath her chin and made Sam look at her. She was paying homage to Billy.

"Not really a fan of scary movies." Sidney replied.

"That checks out. Anyway, it sucked balls. Because nobody takes the true fans seriously. Not really. They just laugh at us, and why? Because we love something? We're just a fucking joke to them? How can fandom be toxic? It's about love! They don't fucking understand that these movies are important to people." Richie yelled at Sidney.

"Richie.." Sam panted.

Luciana rolled her eyes "But we're gonna help them! Hollywood's totally fucking out of ideas..."

"So, we decided we'd give them some new source material to follow. You know, bring it back to basics. Because that's how you make a great Stab movie, Sam." Richie looked at Sam.

"'Based on actual events.'" Luciana smirked.

"Gale." Sidney leaned forward.

Amber came in with Gale "Sit the fuck down!"

Luciana kissed Sam's cheek then walked over to Gale, aiming her knife at her.

"Fuck you." Gale spat at Luciana.

"Well, now you're just quoting your partner." Luciana grinned like the Cheshire Cat.

Gale looked away from Luciana.

"You did all this to make me the hero of your fucked-up movie?" Sam questioned.

Luciana laughed "Oh, boy. You kill me, Sam."

Sam glared at her then looked at Richie.

"Sweetie, you're not the hero. You're the villain." Richie aimed the gun underneath Sam's chin.

"The daughter of Billy Loomis who sees fucked-up visions of her dead dad. Sidney Prescott killed your father. You did all this just to get her back to Woodsboro." Luciana smirked.

"You know what the biggest problem with the Stab movies is? There's no Michael Myers or Jason Voorhees. No bad guy to keep coming back. But the illegitimate daughter of the original mastermind? Now that's a fucking villain." Amber smirked at Sidney.

Sam looked between the three of them "How did you know?"

"About your father? I mean it's a small town and your mom's a drunk." Amber and Luciana stated.

Amber looked over to Richie then Luciana "I met Luciana at the video store and I met Richie on the Stab subreddit. I knew they were dating for a while now. I've been obsessed ever since my parents bought this house. We realized pretty quickly we had similar ideas."

Luciana grinned at that.

"Wasn't so hard for me to find you in Modesto. It wasn't that hard for me to fuck you, either. But I guess being a sexually available woman is supposed to be empowering these days. " Richie smirked.

"Fuck you!" Sam spat.

"Well, now you're just quoting the original." Richie grinned.

"It wouldn't work with just you, Sam. We could always make Vince your accomplice. Modern day Billy and Stu." Luciana winked.

Richie winked at her. His girlfriend was a genius.

"Luciana's right, we had to bring back the legacy characters back to make it matter. Can't have a bona fide Halloween without Jamie Lee!" Amber exclaimed.

"Nope!" Luciana and Richie smirked.

"Dewey had to die to make it real. To show that this wasn't just some bullshit, cash-in, run-of-the-mill sequel. Because our movie has fucking stakes! Cause anyone can die in a requel!" Amber beamed.

Sidney tried to grab the butcher knife but Amber stabbed. Gale fell off the chair and onto Luciana's feet. Luciana sat her up. Goddamn it, Amber.

 Goddamn it, Amber

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