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LUCIANA SIGHED AS She looked at her boyfriend who was sleeping. Richie snored softly.

"Richie." Luciana shook Richie awake.

Richie moaned and turned away from her.

"Roachie!" Luciana yelled in his ear.

"Okay, okay, I'm up." Richie yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"Amber wants you to meet her at the Hicks' place." Luciana told Richie, biting her lip.

"Who am I killing?" Richie got changed then went to grab his Ghostface costume.

"Wes." Luciana responded, putting her clothes back on.

Richie went over to Luciana and pecked her lips. Luciana pecked back.

"I'll be right back." Richie smirked.

Luciana giggled and nodded.

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LUCIANA SAT WITH Richie and ate pizza with him. Richie kissed her head, rubbing her thigh.

"Should I even be here?" Luciana asked, eating her pizza crust after eating her pizza.

"She's not here, she's out and about." Richie squeezed her leg.

Luciana shook her head "Richie, what is watching Stab gonna prepare you for? A final exam?"

"Correction, the final act." Richie winked.

Luciana giggled and kissed his cheek. Richie blushed.

Luciana's phone rang.

"Yeah?" Luciana answered it.

Richie kissed her cheek then got up to answer his phone.

"Hey, do you wanna go to that party at Amber's with me?" Amara asked.

"Uhhh.." Luciana bit her lip then looked at Richie.

Richie sighed then mouthed "I have to go."

"Sure, I'll pick you up from work." Luciana bit her lip.

"Bye." Amara hung up.

Richie walked over to Luciana "Amber's at the hospital with Tara, but of course it's a trap to get Sam there."

"I have to go, too." Luciana kissed his cheek.

"I love you, Luciana." Richie bit his lip.

"I love you." She sighed then went to go pick up Amara.

⋆。°✩ ANYA'S OUTRO ! 

{Short as shit my bad-)

{Short as shit my bad-)

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