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AMARA AND LUCIANA Exited the car then walked inside Amber's home. Amber grabbed Luciana, dragging her outside.

"Ow, ow, ow!" Luciana whined.

"Where's Richie?" Amber whispered.

Luciana sighed. Amber was not going to like this.

"He said that him, Sam, and Tara were leaving." Luciana sighed.

Amber pinched the bridge of her nose. Luciana ran a hand through her hair. Richie better not screw this up.

"What are we supposed to do?" Amber whisper-shouted.

Luciana bit the inside of her cheek.

"You kill Amara, I'll kill Chad." Luciana suggested. 

Amber nodded and sighed "He needs to be here."

"I'll check in with him." Luciana sighed, taking her phone out.

Amber went back inside the house. Luciana sighed as she angrily texted her boyfriend.

roachie ml

Where tf are you?
Amber's getting pissed

Omw I have Tara's
inhaler in my pocket
Love you, tell Amber

Love you, too,
you big idiot

Luciana put her phone away then gave a thumbs to Amber.  Amber nodded then walked off. Luciana sighed as she walked into Amber's house.

"Richie, hurry up.." Luciana whispered.

Amara found Luciana then handed her a red solo cup. Luciana chugged the beer like nothing.

"Wow, impressive." Amara giggled.

Luciana crushed the red solo cup.

"Thanks." Luciana smiled then walked off.

Amber grabbed her wrist.

"Do it." Amber instructed, seeing Chad leave the house.

Luciana nodded and ran off to get her costume from her car. She hid and changed into her costume waiting to see Chad. She heard his phone go off then stood behind Chad. Chad turned around to see Chad. Luciana stabbed him in the thigh.

Chad screamed in pain, falling to his knees. Sorry, Chad. Chad pushed Luciana into the bush behind her. Luciana ran off and went to the shed. Luciana hid in the shed and waited for Chad.

Luciana burst through the shed doors then tackled Chad to the ground. Chad screamed. Luciana got her knife and stabbed Chad seven times in the hip. A car's headlights shined on Luciana's face. She looked up then down at Chad.

She ran off before she could be seen.

She ran off before she could be seen

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𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐈𝐓: 𝐑. 𝐊𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐂𝐇Where stories live. Discover now