A Fighter

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Michaels POV
The entire time watching Jermaine and my body guards gather Mine and Mina's things I couldn't help but feel culpable for everything that has happened. Introducing her to my brothers, not background checking the guard I hired for her over and over. I brought her here basically shoving her right back into his arms. I could never forgive myself for this and to top it all off I'm leaving her here, but I know he won't kill her, it's exactly what he wants, HER
I turned to my left to look out of the window as we began to drive off to the hotel to leave with everyone else.
"Everyone's waiting for you and Mina so you're gonna have to think of something to tell them" he spoke with no emotion, no guilt, no sympathy making my blood boil
"Or you can just tell them that you basically fucking sold her to her ex husband you piece of shit! You took her from me!! You literally sold her to a man that is going to kill her if she tries to escape him again, I hope you don't think that I'm just not gonna do anything about it, that you're just going to walk away free from this. Listen to me when I tell you this and listen good, I will make sure that you pay for this I'm gonna make sure you either choke on your blood or you rot behind bars and DON'T! you fucking test me!"
The remainder of the drive was silent until we arrived to the hotel. I went ahead and got out before Jermaine and ran inside to find Janet and everyone else. Once I had found them they looked confused and worried from my appearance.
"We were looking all over for you guys, is everything okay?!" Janet asked as she reached out to touch the bruises on my face "no everything is not okay, you guys have to help me okay? Jermaine is not to be trusted!"
"Where's Mina? He said he was gonna bring you two back" Jackie spoke up
"He sold her to him! He left her there! I left her there!" Between my sobs I tried my best to explain as I broke down "no that's not true, he chose to leave with me and leave her behind I tried to convince him to bring her with us" his tone cold and manipulative as he tried to defend himself
"You motherFUCKER!!" I lunged towards him punching him in the face as we both fell to the ground, I kept throwing punches until I felt Jackie trying to pull me off of him "I'm gonna fucking kill you!! How dare you blame me!!" As Jackie and Marlon pulled us away I kicked him one last time in his face.
"Okay what the actual fuck is going on" as I cried everyone else turned their attention to a now bloody Jermaine as he smiled devilishly "I did what I had to do, it was finally my turn to be the one who was happy and I'm very happy" everyone distancing themselves from him only made him happier as he began to laugh to himself "it's always about Michael, poor ole Michael couldn't take being in the group anymore, poor little Michael is in rehab we have to be there for him blah blah fucking blah" he stood up as his eyes pierced through me "if it was really my choice you'd still be there hanging from a pole like a butchered pig" he spat
"You're sick, you can't think that we're not gonna look for her and find her and hold you responsible for this Jermaine" Janet spoke through her anger

Mina's POV
After Michael left, the next morning Robert and I were on a plan back to our old California home we once shared
"I got it all refurnished and redecorated so you don't have to think about the past anymore" he took a hold of my hand and I forced a smile "that's lovely" I held back my tears feeling his lips on my cheek and just decided to sleep until we made it. Once we arrived I assume Robert carried me to the car and into the house because I work up in the same house I escaped just different furniture, but I could never forget what I went through in this home.

As I crawled out of bed I felt exposed and looked down to find my clothes had been removed and I immediately began to cry thinking of what he could've possibly done to me in my sleep. I sat on the bed covering myself with the covers when I heard him open the door and quickly began to wipe my tears away. "Why are you crying?" His voice monotone "did you hurt me?.."he laughed making me tear up again "no, why would I hurt you?" I felt the pressure of his weight on the bed behind me and stiffened feeling his hand on my bra strap "I wouldn't mind seeing that pretty body again tho" without a word I stood up in attempt to rush past him to the restroom but he stopped me grabbing my arm "that's not how you greet your husband now is it?" He questioned me like a child "I'm sorry" I held my breathe as I slowly brought myself onto my tip toes to kiss his cheek and forced a smile as he let me go. Once in the bathroom I began to look around for his prescription pills, any pills I could find but he didn't keep them here anymore. I looked in the mirror as I began to tear up again and decided to just do my everyday routine. After brushing my teeth and washing my face I took a deep breathe before leaving the bathroom feeling revealed. I decided to look in the closet and was kind of surprised to see all the clothes he had stocked up for me, lots of it still in packaging. I smiled to myself thinking about the way Michael had cleared his own closet for my things and things he had bought me. He made me feel special and important to him, so loved and protected.

After finding a pair of jeans and a plain black t shirt that fit tight and a hoodie to wear I got dressed before leaving the room. Walking downstairs I felt overwhelmed and dizzy thinking of the torture I went through here for so long. During my deep thinking and walking my mind had led me to the living room where everything happened before I left. "Don't dwell on the past, come in here I gotta talk to you about something" his voice deep and demanding "yes?" I walked over, standing in front of him "just because I wanna be a good guy..doesn't make me a good guy you know honey? I really didn't wanna have to do this to you but I don't have a choice anymore you see?" I took a step back as he got closer to me "don't! Walk away from me!" He grabbed me by my hoodie "I'm sorry" I spat through gritted teeth trying to hide my anger "you're worth a lot of money now that you've let yourself be some whore for mr rich guy"

His smile making my blood boil "so you're gonna make me some money" I scoffed "excuse me?" I gasped and coughed from the sudden quick motion of him choking me against the wall "I own you now, you're my bitch! And I will sell this pretty body you got here for a pretty penny if I want to and there's nothing you can do about that" I was beginning to see black dots around the room from the lack of oxygen before he let me fall to the floor in a coughing frenzy "so now you're gonna go up stairs and you're gonna make yourself look like the slut you are for your first day of work" as I brought myself up to myself I smiled on the inside to myself "okay" I replied calmly before walking off upstairs

Michaels POV
Once we separated from Jermaine and finally took off back home we decided to contact Mina's parents to see if they had heard from her and I have never felt more terrible than I have in that moment having to tell her parents that she was kidnapped and that my own blood had something to do with it. Thankfully they did not blame me considering I was used for ransom as much as she was. Once we had made it to my home we all decided it was best that we figure out where they could be while we made our way over to her parents home.

I felt absolutely terrible having to explain to them everything in person and witnessing the fear for their daughters life growing their eyes as I explain more and more.
"I truly am sorry...I promise you I'm gonna do whatever I can to make sure she is found safely I promise" I tried my best not to cry because I didn't want them to feel like I didn't care about how they felt about this all.
"Michael can I talk to you alone please?" Her mother spoke up before walking away as I followed her into the backyard "yes ma'am?" She sat on the porch swing I sat at with Mina the days I came by. Sitting with her I listened "I know that my baby is a fighter..I know that she's gonna do whatever she can in her power to fight until we can find her but I don't want you to think differently of Mina after this" she sniffled and wiped her tears away as she looked into my eyes "Mina's father used to work for the government when she was younger and while she was in high school, one summer her father took her with her during his training and when she came back she wasn't the same" she laughed to herself a little and grabbed a hold of my hands "she had been left alone with someone my husband trusted and sadly he was not to be trusted, but he didn't get to do what he wanted to do to Mina...she killed that man that day" I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me by her statement and took a deep breathe as I pulled my hands away "wait stop...you're telling me that she's some sort of murderer or something" I laughed from disbelief "Mina's literally cried because a bird flew against the window at a hotel we were staying at and you expect me to believe that she killed a grown man at 16 years old?" I laughed in disbelief

"He tried to take her innocence michael and she kicked him away, he fell and his head his the corner of a table" she walked over to me "he bled out and he passed in front of her, my point of telling you this is to know that she's not gonna let him take control over again especially not after what you've shown and given her" I took a deep breathe while running my fingers through my hair "where do you think they could be?" I sat back down feeling my eyes tear up "it's all my fault Isn't it" I sobbed into my hands and unexpectedly felt her mother wrap her arms around me "it's okay sweetie..you're gonna find her..we're gonna find her"

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