A Glimpse Of His Life

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Michaels POV
I blushed looking into her eyes as she giggled. I helped Mina fix her clothes before completely fixing mine. I began buttoning my shirt "Michael....." her voice made me smile "yes?" "I trust you" I smiled before kissing her cheek and pulling her to my chest. "Good...I trust you too" we sat there for another 30 minutes before walking back to the car. On the way home Mina seemed so...comfortable with me, she smiled, she laughed, she let me love her. We walked into the house and I grabbed her hips as we made our way up the stairs. I wrapped my arms around her pulling her closer to me as we entered the bedroom. She laughed as I placed kisses on her neck while running my hands up her thighs "Michael stop" she laughed "I can't help it" I sat pulling her onto my lap and looked up into her eyes.
"There's sand all over us Michael we need a shower"
Mina's POV
"There's sand all over us Michael we need a shower" Michael smirked making me roll my eyes "you wanna take a shower with me?" I felt my cheeks burn as I pulled myself off of his lap "you're acting like a teenage boy" he wrapped his arms around my waist making me smile. "That's how you make me feel baby" I giggled as he began to lead me into the bathroom. He sat me on the sink counter and I smiled watching him start the shower "do you really want me to have dinner with your family tomorrow night?" Michael walked over to me placing himself in front of me and lifted my chin "yes I do Mina, you're so special to me and I know for a fact that my family is gonna love you" I smiled and softly kissed his cheek "you promise?" "I promise" he smiled.
After our shower I was completely tired out if you know what I mean. Michael was still up walking around the room taking care of things and I was watching him as I laid in bed before falling asleep.
Michaels POV
I looked over my shoulder to see Mina fast asleep. She looked so beautiful I couldn't help but place a few kisses on her cheek "goodnight babygirl" she stirred In her sleep turning away from me making me chuckle. I was alone now and the sickness I was feeling was Unbearable so I walked over to my dresser opening the top drawer. I pulled out my baggy and locked myself in the bathroom "I honestly should dump this shit down the toilet....I don't need this" I looked down at the baggy of coke in my hand, the urge I had I couldn't resist and before I knew it there were 3 lines in front of me. I looked at myself in the mirror before doing those 3 lines and within 5 minutes I felt so much better. It's like I'm a new person...
I gathered myself and put my baggy where it belonged before making my way to my office. I sat there for about 15 minutes thinking about what I was gonna do about this album when I heard a knock on my office window. I stood taken by shock before I began to walk towards my window knock,knock,knock
I opened my window to find my sister Janet laughing "god Janet I could've punched you" she laughed harder and I playfully rolled my eyes "you looked so scared Mike if only you could have seen your face" she jumped through my window so I shut and locked it again. "You know I have a front door right?" "Is the front door that fun? I don't think so" I laughed "what brings you here at 2am? How did you even know that I was awake?" She looked at me "well you're never sleep around this time of night and I actually came here to talk to Mina" "Mina? Why?" I lit a cigarette "I need her to design my next outfit for my video" I smiled at her "you want my girl to work for you?" Janet smiled "yes now is she awake?" "Nope she uh had a long night" without warning Janet began walking upstairs to my bedroom. I followed telling her that Mina won't take the offer, she argued with me saying that she would. "She's sleeping Janet let her sleep" Janet ignored me and softly sat on the bed "she looks like a princess" she giggled making me laugh "Mina...Mina I need you to wake up it's really important" with a few shakes she was making noises clearly not wanting to be woken up. I got in bed pulling her onto my chest and softly woke her. She smiled at me and looked shocked to see Janet there "hey Mina" she looked at me before smiling "hey Janet" "Mina I need a very big favor okay?"
Mina's POV
"Mina I need a big favor okay?" The way she said it was making me nervous "okay...what is it?" If only I had knew what she was gonna ask "I need you to design my next outfit for a video...please Mina please" Michael laughed at her continuous please and I giggled myself. "Janet I...I don't know..have you seen your past looks? I don't know" "but I know yours is better" she stated "and how do you know that?" She looked at Michael and Michael looked at me "she's seen your work baby" I looked at Janet and she was all smiles.
I smiled at Mina and Mina couldn't help but smile "fine" "yes!" I couldn't help it and danced around from happiness making Mina and Michael laugh. Michael seemed odd though.......he seemed like he wasn't fully there. I looked at Mina and she seemed to not notice anything so maybe it was just me "the family is really excited to meet you tomorrow" Mina smiled nervously "really?...I'm so nervous" I chuckled softly "there's no need Joseph won't be there so you have nothing to worry about" as me and Michael began to share laughs Mina looked between the two of us before asking "what's so bad about Joseph?....is he really that bad?" "Well...Michael go ahead" Michaels face dropped from a smile and I tried my best to hold back laughter as he began explaining to Mina "he's just...with me he's very controlling still..he won't be too happy with me bringing a new girl around" Mina sat up slowly "so to him I would be like...a burden? On you?" Me and Michael nodded "he thinks women are uh....a distraction from my work he's been like that since I could remember" Mina's expression changed from confused to hurt "it's nothing against you honey it's just Joseph....he's always been that way, it doesn't change the way the rest of us will ever look at you" I smiled rubbing her arm as she rested on Michaels chest. "Well it's late and I'm tired and since Michael claimed you two had a long night I'm gonna let you two get to bed" I stood from the bed fixing my coat "bye Janet" "bye sis" I smiled walking out and letting myself out. I walked to my car and couldn't help but continue to think about the feeling I was getting from Michael. He seemed so off like his mind wasn't clear, like he wasn't fully conscious. I started my car and began driving home.
Mina's POV
I smiled talking to Michael about what just happened. "I can't believe she wants me to...wow" Michael laughed at me making me blush "what?" I looked into his eyes and noticed how big his pupils were. "You're just so beautiful when you're happy it warms my heart" I smiled from his words "thank you....Michael?" "Yes" "are you okay?" He moved so we could be face to face "I'm perfectly fine baby" "promise?" "I promise, now let's go to bed" I smiled and softly kissed his chest before letting myself fall back to sleep.
10 a.m.
I opened my eyes and treated myself to a hot shower. I got out brushed my teeth and put a robe on. I smiled at the sound of music throughout the house as I picked out my outfit for today. I wanted to dress room since we will most likely be outside all day so I picked out a yellow lace off the shoulder romper. I smiled at myself in the mirror and walked to the bathroom to do my hair. I detangled my curls before putting some curl definer in my hair and washing my hands. I put perfume on and made my way downstairs, I walked into the kitchen to find Michael cooking and smiled.

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