Theres no way

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Mina woke up next to her sleeping beauty of a boyfriend and couldn't help but kiss his nose softly. She let her hand rest on the side of his face before his phone started to ring. She waited for him to wake up but after a few rings he wasn't moving a muscle. She shrugged picking the phone up and read the contact information.
Who was this?
Mina took it upon herself and answered the phone
She stood quiet for a few seconds

"Hello? Michael?"
"Hi...I'm looking for my ex husband" the snarky tone was easy to spot.
"He's sleeping sorry" Mina showed that there was no way she was gonna be pushed around
"Well wake him up thank you"
"I'm sorry he was up very late last night I don't think I should"

Mina didn't know where this attitude came from but she wasn't upset about it. If Lisa was gonna give her attitude and they just "met" she was gonna give it right back.

"well can I leave a message?" Her voice was snarky
"Yes you can, at the fucking beep" and with that Mina hung up the phone. She wasn't going to take attitude from anyone she stood up for herself and she was proud. Not long after she had made her way to the bathroom and began to brush her teeth.

Michael woke up to the sound of his phone ringing and turned over to retrieve it from the nightstand.
"so you got whores answering your phone now?"
Her tone was angry but snarky

"excuse me?"
"your little whore answered the phone while you were sleeping"
"she's not a whore she's my girlfriend"
"and we all know how that works for you"
"fuck off"
"whatever....i wanna see you"

Michaels POV
  I haven't seen my ex-wife in years...2 to be exact it'll be 2 years today...
"y-you wanna see me? Why?" I stumbled over my words
"i need to talk to you about something just meet me at my place tonight"
"i...i don't know I wanted to take my girl out tonight"
"well figure it out" and with that, she hung up

I made my way to the bathroom running into Mina.
I hit her in the face and now I feel bad.
"Oh, baby I'm sorry!"
"Ouch... it's okay I'm okay"
I helped her up and wrapped my arms around her. She wrapped her arms around me taking in my embrace. I let my fingers play with the curls in her hair as I placed kisses on her head.

"your ex called"
"oh...uh what did she say"
God please
"she got smart with me so I hung up"
"what do you mean? She didn't say anything out of line did she?"
"no, but she almost got that ass hit talking to me like that"

I watched Mina make her way back into the bedroom. She never speaks like that so I see that Lisa really hit a nerve. I finished up taking care of myself in the restroom and headed back to the bedroom. Mina was gathering clothes for a shower and I watched as she picked out pieces of clothing to wear. She was always so put together always looked nice. 

"want to go out to dinner?" I wrapped my arms around her waist kissing behind her ear
"i have to talk to my boss about getting my job back Michael you know that...."
"why do you have to work hours away from home?"
"this is my career Michael....where else would I work? You got a better option?"
"work for me..." I didn't wanna drop this on her like this but I can't let her do that

I sat down on the bed pulling her into my lap
"work for my designer"
She smiled but that faded quickly
"Michael..have you seen your outfits? I'm not experienced enough for that"
"we'll start slow like suits and smaller pieces just please..."
"i'll think about it"

"I wanna take you somewhere nice wear that dress I like"
"The red one?"
I kissed her cheek moving her legs onto the bed so I could stand.
"You only Like the red one cause it shows my "curves" "
"Exactly" I laughed feeling her hit me with the pillow to her left

Mina has taken off to the restroom to shower and I made my way down to the kitchen to make a call.
"Hello Michael! How are you?!"
"I'm good mother"
"Oh that's good! I miss you"
"I miss you more mother I actually was hoping you were free this Friday"
"I always got time for my baby"

She warmed my heart
"Awe mother I want you to meet my girlfriend this Friday night"
"Oh that will be amazing! I would love that"
"Okay Good I'll call you again Thursday to let you know everything"
"Okay baby, hey!"
"Yes mother?"
"Treat that girl right michael...I raised you well" she said with a stern voice. I could feel her finger pointing at my chest
"I know mother"
"You better"
"I love you mother"

"I love you too baby"
I loved talking to my mother more than anything. I feel that my mother is really gonna like Mina.
I just hope that Mina and Lisa won't have problems.....should I ask Mina if I'm able to go and see Lisa? It would be nice? Seeing her but I don't think I can trust her to be alone with me.
I had the sudden urge to call Lisa but I stopped myself.

I put my phone on the counter and began to make me and Mina breakfast.


I had just got done with makeup when I begin to curl my hair. I felt uneasy when my phone began to ring
"Unknown Number"
I look confused but answered it.
"Hi beautiful, miss me?"
I felt my stomach turn hearing his voice...there's no way...
"Wh-who is this?"
"Oh baby you know who this is, I told you that you were mine and if you think I'm gonna let some pretty boy take you from me it's not gonna happen!"
I couldn't say anything from the amount of fear I was feeling.
"And trust me! When I get you back I'm gonna make sure you understand that you're mine!"
I hung up the phone and felt my body shake from fear. I thought he was in jail, there's no way that!

I jumped and looked at Michael seeing him worried yet confused.
"You okay in here?"
"Yeah, just uh curling my hair "I smiled watching him walk over to me.
"I wanted to ask you something "
"Okay, What is it?"
I saw the look of worry on his face
"I ex wife needs to see me....I'm asking for permission..if you're not comfortable I won't go"
I did feel a little hesitant but I trust I gave him my permission and he kissed my cheek before leaving the room. I finished my hair and put on some jeans and a shirt that I had designed with lace and blush. I actually don't look bad, I look really good.

I walked down to the kitchen and wrapped my arms around Michael feeling safe.
"Baby do you like pancakes or waffles?" He asked me turning around and I just couldn't help but blush looking up at his beautiful face, sculpted perfectly with curls falling around it.

Our breakfast was nice and soon I was left alone while Michael was off to see his ex wife. I didn't like her. I didn't trust her. But I trust him....and that's all that matters

I knows it's been long but IM BACK!!

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