An Amazing Night

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Roberts pov

I felt my blood boiling as I watched them all arrive at the restaurant, seeing him show her off like some trophy made me wanna tear him apart. The nerve to kiss my woman on live television and call her his own only made me excited to finally get my hands on him and pull him limb from limb.
"Oh my god, you psycho!" her voice got closer and closer before I noticed that I had broken the glass in my hand.
"Get the fuck out of my face" I couldn't even look at her as I made my way to the sink to clean my hand
"Listen I just need to know what the plan is since you hate updating me on anything" I heard her sit on the chair I just left.
"After what I just saw, he won't even have the chance to fall asleep next to her before I send my men in there" I turned my body towards her, she was oddly very pretty to me. Too independent for my liking though, I always felt like she was coming on to me the way she looked at me.
"So like you said before, I get to be alone with Mina for a few minutes right?" She smirked at me
"Do you have some freaky lesbian love for her or something?" She laughed very loudly
"No I just don't like the fact that she got away with knocking me out in front of my husbands family"
"She what?" I laughed and soon we turned our attention to how everything was going to be played out.
Michaels POV
Mina was so happy and it was such a beautiful thing to see. She was so excited taking in all these new things and trying new foods. It truly makes me happy seeing her bond and get along with my siblings, it's something I've always wanted from a woman and she does it so effortlessly. She always knows how to make me happy without even trying. I laced our fingers together on the table and placed a soft kiss on her cheek before whispering to her that I'll be right back before heading to the restroom.

Once alone in the bathroom I couldn't help but hurry my face into my hands as I took deep breathes trying to calm myself without reaching into my sock for my "fix" "I can't...not now...not now..I just can't I can't do it, I shouldn't do it...I can't" I covered my face feeling my eyes tear up, why is it so hard...why did I do this to myself. I sniffled as I walked into a stall locking myself in and taking a seat on the sink. Taking deep breathes I caved in reaching into my sock and pulling the small baggy from it. Just a little...just a little to hold me over for the night and I'll be fine. I took one last deep breathe as I opened the small baggy and grabbed my house key to dip into the baggy. As I was raising the key to my nose I heard the door open causing me to panic spilling it on my suit pants.
"You okay Mike? It's been like 10 minutes bro" I rolled my eyes hearing Tito's voice outside of the stall

"Dude I'm fine I'll be out in like two minutes just give me a second okay?" I tried to be as quiet as possible dipping the key a second time.
"Mike....please tell me you're not doing that stuff again man.."
I sniffed quickly before licking the key and putting it back in my pocket and closing the baggy, silently placing it back in my sock.
"I'm fine dude seriously, I just needed a minute to take in the night and happiness I'm feeling"
I have my nose one last look and wipe before opening the stall coming face to face with him.
"I promise man"
He smiled a little telling me he doesn't fully believe me "okay I trust you...ready?"

We made our way back out to find that the girls were getting a little into the way the Japanese Saké was making them feel. I joined the table again and we soon were all enjoying our drinks and conversations a little too much. Mina was getting very touchy which let me know that she was drunk. She was kind of all over me which made my body panic a bit. She's usually so shy so to see her so open is new in a way. She hasn't gotten drunk in front of me before so I'm a bit caught off guard here.
She was kissing my cheek over and over while rubbing my chest and whispering funny little comments into my ear.
"Tito has been talking about the same thing for like three hours and I'm so lost at this point" she whispered into my ear with a small hiccup making me chuckle and whisper back "he has a habit of confusing everyone with the way his brain works" she laughed into my neck a little loud making everyone look our way to see us laughing. I couldn't help but cover both of our faces while we laughed harder at their expressions.

"Looks like those two would rather be alone right now"Jackie joked winking at me and Mina making us all chuckle except for Mina.
"Looks like you'd rather draw on your hairline instead of accepting it's gone" Mina smiled as we all erupted into laughter as Jackie pushed him lips together and took another shot from the blow.
"I swear on my life Mina I love you so much" Janet and I could barely hold ourselves together we were laughing so hard. The night was just perfect and we soon all decided that Mina won the night and it was time to go back to our rooms before we ended up passing out drunk in the restaurant.

Mina's pov

As we all got into our separate cars to head back I giggles under my breathe as I felt Michaels hands on my ass as he helped into the car. He got in and looked at me being all giggly.
"What baby?" He smiled
"You think you're so slick feeling me up" I chuckled watching him smile and look down.
"My shy man" I reached over placing my hand on his knee.
He smiles and moved closer softly moving hair from my face as his face got closer to mine.
"How drunk are you?" He looked into my eyes making me smile from nervousness
"Drunk enough to let you do whatever you want to me and enjoy every single second of it"
He looked shocked from my words making me smile and softly peck his lips.
"You truly have changed my life baby...I love you so much and could never thank you enough" I softly pecked his lips again running my hand up and down his thigh as I looked into those big brown eyes of his.
His delayed kisses made me smile against his lips feeling him get excited from my words and touch.
"I wanna give you all of me...I am yours" I softly pecked his lips again but before I could pull away he held the back of my hand kissing me with so much eagerness making me gasp into his mouth. Feeling his hands on my body made me feel like I couldn't breathe, his hands were so special when they touched me. I moaned softly feeling his lips and tongue against my neck. I bit my lip as I snuck my hands under his button up shirt letting them rub against his soft stomach and chest.
"You smell so good.." I smiled at his words before kissing him again

Wrapping my arms around his neck he pulled me into his lap and began to run his hands up my legs under my dress. I softly ran my fingers through his hair and smiled into the kiss feeling his hands reach my underwear grabbing at them. I softly sat up a little so he could pull them off when the car stopped and our drivers voice came through the back speaker.
"We here sir"

Sorry that it took so long! I've been very busy with life and work!!
Would you guys want this part to continue the way it ended? Please comment and lmk 🫶🏾

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