Backyard secrets

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Before I knew it I felt his lips against mine and god were they so soft and plump. I softly placed my hand on the side of his face as we pulled away.

I gasped hearing him cuss
"I didn't you were a swearer"
"I'm usually not but that deserved more than wow"

He chuckled making me blush it's so cool how he can do that to me. He was holding my hand while holding me when my father brought out some cut fruit and I decided to leave the two men alone.


I saw Michael holding Mina and decided to bring them the rest of the fruit salad. I sat the fruit salad and forks on the table. Mina got up and left for some reason but it gave me the opportunity to do what I wanted to.

"Don't hurt my daughter"
"What? Of course I won't"
"She's been through so much with Robert to be hurt by anyone"
"Is Robert her ex? She didn't go into much detail about him"
"Yes but that's not my job to tell you anything and don't ask her about it let her talk to you about it just don't hurt my daughter......I don't care who you are I'll hurt you about my baby"
"Yes sir"

I walked back in and looked at Mina

"Your boyfriend is waiting for you"


I gave my dad a look knowing he did or said something. I quickly made my way out and saw Michael eating an apple piece. He seemed normal so I sat down next to me and he wrapped his arm around me before grabbing my hand again.

"So boyfriend" he said
"You heard that?"
"Well don't get to happy you didn't ask me out"
"True" he said like he was thinking
"And I wanna take things really slow"
"I can respect that"

We ate fruit and talked about his recent interview.

"She was really normal" he said laughing
"Well she's human Michael" we laughed
"And I was hungover" he said in almost a whisper
"Oh my...."
"You should come to a party with me it's tomorrow night"
" I don't wanna do that to you"
"Do what?"
"Ruin your reputation"
" would you do that?"
"Look at me...I'm a 2 and you're a 10...I don't even know why you're here right now"
"Mina you are beautiful...I'm here right now because I actually...I like you"
"Do you not like me?" He sounded so sad
"No don't say that..I just...I have my own difficulties with myself right now I'm sorry"

He tried to drop the conversation but I could tell it was bothering him. Me being me I wanted him to be happy of course so I kissed his cheek.


I was thinking about how I could find a way to get her to go to the party with me when she kisses my cheek. I tried so hard to keep my serious face on but I couldn't help it I started to blush. It's amazing how much I like this girl already.

"Awe you're blushing"
"Stop I'm embarrassed" I tried to hide my face by turning away and she giggled
"No it's cute"

I stayed for a few more hours until I had gotten a call from bill.

"Boss you need to come home"
"Why? I have nothing to do today, today is an off day for me"
"Your mother is here to see's about your father"
"Oh...uh um okay I'll see you soon"
"Babygirl I'm so sorry I have to get back home"
"No it's okay can I have a hug before you go?"
I felt so flattered to be the man that she wants
"Of course I'll give you more than a hug"
She giggled and as we were hugging I softly lifted her chin. I looked into her eyes before placing a kiss onto her soft lips. For some reason I didn't want to pull away so I wrapped my arms around her deepening the kiss. I felt her get a little more comfortable in my arms and was greeted by a long time missed friend lust.


I felt him wraps his strong arms around me. It made me feel so safe I've never felt like this with anyone. We started to deepen our kiss when I felt something against my thigh. I wrapped my arms around his neck feeling those amazing big hands of his slide down my sides. I for some odd reason felt my breathing get harder i felt his warm tongue against my bottom lip asking for entrance. I allowed his tongue to wrestle with mine and for god sakes I am so embarrassed I am so bad at this.

I suddenly felt his hands on my lower back as he sucked on my bottom lip. My body felt weird but it felt good. I put my hand on his chest feeling his hand caressing my stomach. I heard him take a deep breathe and felt whatever was touching my thigh move making what felt so weird feel so good.

"Michael" I let softly escape my mouth

I took my lips away from his when I realized that he's been grinding himself against me for the last two minutes!. No wonder I was feeling funny! He was turning me on! I felt so embarrassed I hid my face in his chest.

"Y-you really should get going"

I saw how uncomfortable yet embarrassed his body language was and tried my best not to laugh.

"I uh...I'm gonna go..I'll call you okay"

I decided to be sweet and kiss his chest and then cheek.

"Please call me"

I let him out of the Backyard gate and fixed my clothes adjusting my skirt. I sat down thinking about what just happened. I felt...I've never felt that way before. I was scared out of my thoughts when I felt my mother touch my shoulder.

"You okay Mina?"
"Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?!"
" you wanna tell me?"
"I have nothing to tell you"
"I saw...I didn't want to but I'm happy I did"
"You saw???"
"I saw you and Michael having your little're still a Virgin Mina?"

⚠️stop reading if this is a trigger for you⚠️

I looked down at my fingers feeling guilty. I didn't tell my parents about the fact that for my first time I was raped. I was so embarrassed and disgusted with myself at the time I felt like it was my fault I still do if I'm being honest.

"Mom I don't wanna talk About that stuff"
"Well we haven't had that talk since you were 16"
"I know but mom please"
"What was your first time like"
"Mom! Back off okay! I said I didn't wanna talk about it!"
"'ve never talked about me like this what has gotten into you"
"I was raped my first time!!! I didn't get to enjoy my first time!!"

I felt like my chest was caving in I felt like I was reliving it all over again! My legs started to hurt my heart started to feel like it was pumping out of my chest. I sat on the ground and started to breathe heavy. I couldn't breathe I kept hearing his voice in my head.

"Shhh shhh it's okay shut up you'll be okay it'll be over soon, shut the fuck up, you dirty whore, this is all you're gonna live for, this is all your good for"

I grabbed onto my shirt and tried my best to breathe feeling my heart start to slow down.

"Momma please.....please help me inside I-i need to cool down"
"Come on baby mommas got you"

She helped me stand and helped me to my bedroom. I just laid down feeling helpless. My mother wrapped her arms around me As I began to cry into her arms.

"I gave up so much for him and he hurt me...I let him tear me apart..I trusted him so much I trusted him"
"I know baby I know"

I ended falling asleep but even while I was sleeping I couldn't get it off my mind.

Maybe that feeling was a good feeling?
Maybe Michael was my boyfriend?

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