Chapter 9: The Whole Story

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Y/n's POV
You go home with your girlfriend and inform her your going to get lunch with a friend. She's ok with it and now you finish up work from school. After your done you check the time and see it's 3:50. You take some time to yourself before you get a message from Ms.Romanoff.

Hey y/n we're going to eat at a local restaurant. I won't tell you what restaurant exactly because I want it to be a surprise. Be ready by 5 and send me your address so I can pick you up.
                                         Ok see you at 5 Natasha.

You also send her your address and you start to get ready. You pick to wear a black crop top with a red jacket over it and grey pants with black ankle boots. You put on your favorite perfume and make sure you look your best. You knows it's not a date but it's Ms.Romanoff so you have to look your best for her. After you finish getting ready you wait for her to pick you up.

I'm outside.
                                                             I'm coming.

You look out the window to see a a black corvette. Dang she's rich. You say goodbye to your girlfriend and go outside. Natasha gets out of the car to open the door for you. She says "Hey y/n you look great. Ready for lunch?" "Hey Natasha so do you." You take a quick moment to look at what she's wearing and see a red shirt with black pants and a grey leather jacket. She also has one some black ankle boots. "You look great too Natasha."

You get inside her car and you both sit in a comfortable silence. You look out the window in your own thoughts but occasionally glance at Natasha who's eyes are always on the road.

You glance at her again and she says "You know it's rude to stare." She takes her eyes off the road to connect your eyes with a smirk on her face. You blush a little and turn your head back to the window. When we arrive she says "We're here." You look and that it looks like a normal cost restaurant. Nothing too fancy.

The restaurant:

"It looks nice Natasha

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"It looks nice Natasha." You give her a smile that she returns. You both go inside and you get seated.

"So what are you gonna order Natasha?" She looks up at you from the menu that was handed to you two and says "Probably some spaghetti." "I was thinking the same." The waiter comes over to take your orders and when he leaves Natasha says "Ok so let's get to why we're really here. Tell me why your acting weird." You sigh and decide that it would be best to tell her instead of lie because if you did she won't believe you. "Well some family problems that's all." You zone out a bit having flashbacks at what your mother said to you and when she slapped you.

"Y/n tell me what happened, tell me the whole story." You tried to just tell her a very short summary with little detail what happened but that obviously didn't work so now you have to tell her. Before you can say anything the sister brings your orders and some waters. You and Natasha thank the waiter. "Y/n." "Yeah?" Tell me what happened." She says with a firm tone. "Fine. What happened was yesterday I had a family dinner with me and my girlfriends family and me and my mother have a terrible relationship. When I was younger she was verbally abusive but she and my dad divorced when I was 6 because she cheated on him for the 100th time or something like that and my dad hated the way she made him and me and my siblings feel. She was at the dinner and she had attitude that grew more and more especially to me. She started saying that I wouldn't be a good lawyer and that I'm a disappointment and whatever I got made and called her a bitch and she thought she scare me the way she did when I was younger and when I told her she couldn't and stuff she slapped me. After that I left dinner with my girlfriend. I've kinda been in a shock state because she's never done that before she threatened to when k was younger but I didn't think she'd ever do it."

When you told her all of that she gave you her full attention and you say anger grow and her eyes when you told her about your mother and what she did. "She sounds like a bitch and I'm so sorry that happened dear." She takes my hand which makes my stomach do a little flip and says "Thank you for opening up to me." "Thank you for listening." "By the way you have a girlfriend?" I nod and say "Yeah her name is Ava." Her eyes turn a darker shade of green but you brush it off as nothing.

Both of you finish eating your food, Natasha pays for the food then you both go into the car jamming to the neighborhood and Lana del Rey.

"Goodbye Y/n." She waves bye to you and you wave back and say "Bye Nat." You head to your apartment. You go to sleep that night with a smile on your face.

Here's the chapter I promised I think might gonna make another one later today.

-Love L

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