Chapter 15: A Secret

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"Hey princess." Natasha says to you when she sees you. The smile that you had on your face grows. "Hey firefly." You run up to her and embrace her. Her wonderful perfume fills your nose.

You and Nat go inside the car and your stuck wondering where you and her are going. Your curiosity gets the best of you and you ask her "Nat where are we going?" She smirks and says "It's a secret." She gives you a wink and you roll your eyes annoyed that she won't tell you.

About 40 minutes go by of comfortable silence when you arrive at Central Park. You've been once or twice before but haven't fully explored the whole thing. Natasha turns to you and your eyes meet."I've never been to Central Park before. I could never find the time to go when I was in New York." You smile at her and say "I've only been here maybe once or twice but I've never seen the whole place."

You and Nat get out of the car and start walking around the park. You pass by many trees and some bridges. It honestly looks breathtaking. "This place is beautiful." You say while your eyes roam over the numerous things you can see. Natasha hums in agreement with you as her eyes also wonder around the place. You and Natasha proceed to walk side by side and look at all the amazing things. Her face light up when she sees something she enjoys. It warms your heart and you take in the moment as much as you can. Eventually after roaming around for maybe hours it is now 8 the sun is almost all the way set but still some light fills the sky making it orange and pink.

"I want to see one last thing before we go home." Natasha grabs your hand and leads you to a bridge.

It's the bow bridge and everything looks beautiful. The trees, the water that reflects everything, the sky a beautiful masterpiece and beside you is probably one of the most gorgeous and best person to have ever met. You and her admire the water beneath you. You turn your head to look at Natasha. You so badly want to kiss her it would be a perfect place to do so but you decide against it. You would never want to ruin the friendship you have now and push her away. She looks perfect looking at the water. The way her green eyes scan everything she can see. The way her hair test on her shoulders. The curves of her body.

"Ya know staring is rude." She says to you. Her eyes never leaving the water. A blush forms on your cheeks as you look away from her.

"It's getting dark we should go home." She says to you as a soft smile rests on her face. You nod your head and follow her towards her car. You listen to the soft music that plays on the radio as you replay everything that has just happens with a smile on your face. She really does bring you so much joy. You get pulled out of your thoughts when she says "If it's ok with you wanna go somewhere else with me tomorrow?" You turn to her and say "Sure." You give her a smile that she returns.

You both say your goodbyes and you go inside to your apartment. Mila is waiting for you on the couch and when she sees you she gives you a bright smile and wraps you in an embrace. "How was it?" You smile at her and say "it was amazing." After you fill her up on everything you get ready for bed and can't wait for the morning to see her again.

Hey guys tmr some fun and new things will happen so be prepared I hope you all had a great week and I love all of you 3000.


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