Chapter 26: Date

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Y/n's POV
You wake up and have a huge hangover but get ready for school anyways. Ava has already made breakfast and is already prepared for school. She hands you your plate and hugs you from behind and rests her head on your shoulder as she says "Goodmorning Sleepy head. I was gonna wake you up earlier but you seemed like you needed the sleep." You groan and pinch the bridge of your nose. "Not so loud. But thank you for letting me sleep in longer." You kiss her on the forehead and eat your breakfast.

Ava hands you a water bottle before you and her leave and says "Take this just in case you get dehydrated or something." You smile at her and grab the water bottle and putting it into your backpack.


After school is done you get stacks of homework and your hangover is not that bad anymore. You get home and complete your homework and then Ava asks "Hey Y/n wanna go on a date? We haven't gone on one for a long time and you've been spending a lot of time with friends so what do you say?" You get up from your chair in your bedroom and give her a peck on the lips and say "I would love to go on a date with you. Sorry I haven't been spending time with you recently I've been busy." She pulls you into a hug and says "It's ok baby I understand."

You and Ava pick to go to a restaurant then go to the beach after. You get ready for your date with her and pack everything you need for the beach and when she's ready you open the door for her and hop in the drivers seat.

When you arrive to your first destination you help your girlfriend out of the car and walk with her hand and hand inside the restaurant. You take your seat with her and look through the menu. You get burger with fries and Ava gets steak. You talk with her until your food arrives. You dig into your food and eat in comfortable silence.

After your dinner you pay for the meal and take Ava back to the car. She puts on some music and you sing along to whatever song is playing with her. It's moments like these that you enjoy the most with her. Pure joy and fun. You can be yourself without all the stress. But there's still that voice in the back of your head making you feel guilty about your actions. You shake it off and see the beach up ahead.

You park the car and get the stuff for the beach out of the back of your car. The sun is still up but the sky is still dim so you have an hour of daylight left.

You brought Ava's favorite desert. Chocolate brownies. When she sees them she squeals and says "Brownies! Thank you so much baby!" She says launching herself into your arms. You laugh and wrap your arms around her back holding her close to her. "Let's go swim for a bit then dessert ok?" You know she gets a bit impatient when it comes to food especially her favorite but she agrees to swim before you eat dessert.

After you've swam around for awhile you head back to shore. You dry yourself off and Ava joins you soon after. The sun is starting to set giving you and Ava a lovely view as you munch on brownies.

You pack up everything from the beach when it gets dark and head home. It was an amazing date night and you can't help the huge smile on your face. Ava falls asleep in the passengers seat and when you stop at a red light you take off your jacket and place it over her. She looks adorable and the swimming while playing with her in the water like kids seems to have tired her out. You would marry this girl right now if you could but with everything going on with Nat you just can't. You pick her up bridal style trying your best not to wake her and carry her into your apartment and lay her onto your bed.

She's a heavy sleeper so you change her clothes for her. Once your done helping her out of her clothes you get out of yours and put on a graphic t-shirt and shorts. You join her in bed and as soon as she feels you get into the bed she snuggles up to you. Hiding her head between your neck. You hold her until you fall asleep with her.

Hey guys I wrote this at 3 in the morning so if it sucks or some of the spelling is incorrect that's why. I hope you all had an amazing Tuesday and I love you all 3000.

-Love L

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