Chapter 11: Picnic

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Y/n's POV
For our "date" I wear a red sweater with a black skirt that reached just above your knees. You wear your regular black ankle boots too. As soon as your done getting ready you get a text from Natasha telling you she's outside. You tell your girlfriend goodbye and meet Nat outside.

"Hey Nat." Her smile grows more when you call her nat. "So your calling me nat now?" "Well your like a friend so I gonna call you nat now." You get into her car and then she says "Anyways we're going to the park to eat something I prepared and then we'll go to the arcade sounds good?" You smile at the idea and say "Yeah I like that plan."

Your now at the park and Natasha has a basket that has a blanket to set on the floor and whatever food she made. "Ok so I made a sandwich's and some fruit that we'll dip in chocolate as dessert." "Ooo that sounds delicious." She hands you a sandwich inside the sandwich it has turkey and slightly melted cheese and lettuce. You take a bite of it and Natasha waits to see what you think of it. You moan at the taste of the sandwich. "Its the best sandwich I've tasted." She beams at you happy that you love what she made for you.

The both of you talk about random things while you eat and occasionally there is silence but it isn't awkward silence it was the peaceful kind. After your both down with your sandwiches she hands you a strawberry and takes out some melted chocolate to dip it in. You hum at the taste of the fruit and chocolate.

Natasha does the same but she has a piece of pineapple. "Hey Nat?" "Yeah?" "Tell me something about yourself. It can be anything you feel comfortable sharing with me." She looks up into the sky and takes another bit of the fruit and thinks for a moment. "Um I know karate and other stuff." "Oh so you can beat anyone up." You raise your hands and put them into fists and you punch the air in front of you. Natasha laughs at your antics. It was probably the most beautiful thing you've ever heard. "I think that's the first time I've ever heard you laugh." You think out loud. When you realize what you said you feet a bit embarrassed and blush a little. "Yeah I think so too." Nat replies.

You two eat a bit more of the fruit and when your both full you clean up the picnic. You both head into the car and as she's driving she asks you "I told you something about me tell me something about you." She looks at you and smiles. "We'll I have two older brothers and a younger sister. The oldest brother is named Henry and the younger one is named Liam. My sisters name is Emma." "I have a younger sister too her name is Yelena. I think you'll like her." You hum in thought of how her sister could be like.

Tomorrow will be the arcade "date" and I hope all of you had a wonderful day.  I will try to upload a bit more frequently but with school it might be a bit hard but I'll find time.

Love L

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