Chapter 22: Fallen

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Y/n's POV
You get ready for school with Ava and try your best to hide what you did with your professor in the weekend. You wear a black top with a slightly oversized dark green jacket. You wear black boots and black jeans. When your driving to school the car ride is silent. You've put in your best act to cover up what you did. Inside the guilt of your actions is killing you but at the same time a part of you is glad that you did it. You shake your head from the racing thoughts in your mind.

You help your girlfriend out of the car and she says her goodbyes and heads to class. You get to your class and you take as much notes as you can needing a distraction from everything. When class is over you get handed homework. You hate getting homework from your government class because it's boring but you still get it done regardless.

You catch Oliva in the halls when going to Nat's class. "Hey babes. Are you ok?" She asks as she pulls away from the hug. You shrug and say "I'm fine something just happened but it's not a big deal. Anyways ready for criminal justice class?" She nods and walk side by side to Ms.Romanoffs class.

When Nat sees you she throws a smirk your way and says "Goodmorning Y/n. Goodmorning Oliva." Oliva the n's speaks up and says "Goodmorning Ms.Romanoff." You do the same and say "Goodmorning Ms.Romanoff."

You and Oliva take your seats. Natasha starts her class and you take notes. You occasionally hold eye contact with her for a short period of time.

You think if you should consider expressing your feelings about the problem you currently have. You decide to do it another time and distract yourself for at least a day. When class is over you handed even more homework. Great. Although you love this class for multiple reasons you can say, you still hate getting homework. When you leave Natasha gives you one last smirk before you go. When you go home you immediately start on homework. Ava  gets down before you and decides to make you and her Mac and cheese.

After your done with homework you eat with Ava and talk about how both of your weekends went without mentioning Nat obviously. After dinner you offer to clean up. Once done with your task you look for another distraction and no one can make your problems vanish more than your little sis.

You and Emma are really close. She's the only sister you've ever had and she's been there to help you with anything. Anytime either of you need to vent or need advice you come to each other.

You dial her number and she picks up. "Hey Y/n. It's nice to hear for you. How are you doing?" You let out a breathe you didn't even know you where holding in. "Hey Emma I've been alright but I need your advice on something." "Ok what is it? I'm listening."  "So I met this girl named..." you pause for an moment trying to come up with a name. "Sarah. She's really nice and I really enjoy hanging out with her. She stayed over this weekend at my apartment and we toke our friendship I guess to a.... Different level if you know what I mean." As you say the last sentence you hear your sister gag as you imagine her making a gross face like a 2 year old.

"I feel guilty about doing it and cheating on Ava I love them both really and now I don't know what to do because I'll have to choose." Your sister sighs and says "The only advice I can give you here is listen to your heart. But in my opinion I would suggest you go with Sarah simply because if you really did love Ava you might not have fallen for Sarah in the first place. It would be better to go with Sarah just in case Ava doesn't react well when she finds out. But that's just a suggestion go with what your heart tells you. Go with your feelings. Who ever makes you feel everything your supposed and maybe show you something new. You should go with the person who you see yourself within years time. Think of who you think is the one for you." You sigh and say "Thanks little sis. I'll think about what you said. I'm gonna get ready for bed now. Night." "Take care of yourself Y/n and goodnight." You chuckle and say "I'm the older sister I'm supposed to be telling you that." After that you hang up the phone and get ready for bed.

Hey guys this chapter is slightly longer than the usual amount I write but whatever. I hope all of you had an amazing Tuesday and I love you all 3000.


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