Chapter 8: Lunch Plans

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Y/n's POV
Me and Ava are heading to school right now and last night was terrible. I'm having a shitty start to the day. My girlfriend notices and says "Hey baby are you ok?" I lie and say "I'm fine." "Are you sure? You can talk to me if your not." "Yeah I'm fine and I will talk to you if I'm not." For the rest of the car ride we sit in silence. My mind races with hatred for my mother and pats memories from when I was a kid.

We get out of the car and go to our classes. I feel off today so I barely pay attention to the lecture. After I'm done with that class I go and look for Olivia.

When you see her she engulfes you in a hug and says "Hey bae. Wait is something wrong you look a little off?" "I'm fine just some family problems." She looks at you with worry in her eyes but she doesn't ask anymore about knowing you'll talk about what happened when your ready.

When we get to our next class Ms.Romanoff says with a warm smile on her face "Goodmorning girls." "Goodmorning Ms.Romanoff." Oliva starts to head to her desks and I try to follow her but a hand holds me back. I turn and it's it's Ms.Romanoff. "Hey darling, are you ok?" You could see she was genuinely concerned so you say "I'm fine something just happened. I'm ok though, I promise." She lets you go and you go to sit in your seat. "What was that about?" Oliva asks

"It was nothing she just noticed I was a bit off today." Oliva nods her head in understanding.
You pay more attention to this lesson than the last because your mind has cleared up a bit more. You do notice that Ms.Romanoff glances at you from time to time. Like she's checking in on you. She's probably concerned about why your a bit off today.

You say your goodbyes and hug Oliva and head out.

"Y/n are you sure your okay?" You nos but the look of concern doesn't leave her face. I wonder why she's trying so hard to figure out what's wrong with you. You try to leave again but she grabs your hand and says "I haven't known you for that long but I can tell something is wrong." You try your best to lie and say "I'm fine Ms.Romanoff."not letting go of her grip on my wrist she says "Talk to me please. You can talk to me." You consider opening up but try to make up an excuse instead. "Uhh I need to go home and do homework and other stuff." "Can you at least talk to me at lunch or something? I can take you out around 5 or something like that."

You think about it for a bit and can't refuse the offer so you agree to the lunch. "Gimme your phone." Your confused as to why she wants your phone so you say "What why?" "Just give it to me." She holds out her hand waiting for you to give her your phone. You reluctantly give it to her.

You see her typed something in on my phone then on hers too. When she gives it back to you, you see a new contact in your phone that says Natasha. "Why'd you give me your number?" "So we can make our lunch plans." Your still in disbelief that your going out to get lunch with her. "Oh ok." "Bye y/n see you at 5." "Bye Ms.Romanoff." She gives you an annoyed look and says "y/n we have each others number and we're going out for lunch later. You can call me Natasha." "Ok then Natasha."

You exit her class with excitement running through you like a little kid. You can't wait to have lunch with Natasha and maybe get to know her more as a "friend".

Sorry I was supposed to post this sooner but got distracted watching a new show I'll make a new chapter tomorrow though. I hope you had a great day lovelies.<3


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