Chapter 13: My Love

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Y/n's POV
You had a normal Friday nothing exciting happened. You want to do something today. You have all this time but you remember that your best friend is coming to New York today. You two are still close and talk to each other once a week. You two grew up in Florida with her being a couple blocks away from you. You both met in middle school and she is the most sweetest, gorgeous, caring, and funniest person you know. She's your favorite person in the whole world.

Hey Mila are you still coming to nyc today?
Hey Y/n and yeah I'm about to get off the flight in a couple of minutes so be ready to pick me up.
Did you sleep ok ml?
I slept alright even though I woke up multiple times because it was uncomfortable and just hard to sleep.
Oh ok see you later Mila. I love you❤️
I love you too🫶

Ava is staying at one of her friends house for the rest of the week to give you and Mila space. You grab your keys and start to drive to the airport. She calls you when your about to pull up to the airport. "Hey Y/n are you here yet?" "Yeah I'm about to pull in." "Ok. Bye" "Bye." You see Mila and pull up next to her. You greet each other and take her bags and put them in the trunk.

"How have you been Y/n?" Her smile is bright enough to light up a whole room. "I've been good my love." You give her a smile. The both of you get inside the car and sing to any music that plays. You can be your real self with Mila and she won't judge. You love her more than anything isn't the world. You and her are platonic soulmates. She's like your other half and knows everything about her. You trust her full heartedly. She's been there through your rough and hard times and she stayed when other people left. She can calm you down when you have anxiety or when your scared. She's an amazing person in general.

When you get home you put all her stuff in Ava's room. Ava doesn't really go into her room she likes to stay and sleep in yours because she likes being close to you. She also cleaned out most of her belongings and moved them. I cleaned her room for Mila to sleep in.

"If you need anything ask me ok?" "Ok I'll put my stuff away. What are we going to eat for dinner?" You think for a moment and decide to order her favorite food. "How about Pizza?" She beams at you and says "Yes I can't wait for some pizza."

You grab your phone and dial the number and order the pizza. When it comes you pay and take it inside and call for Mila. She jumps up and down like a little kid. You hand her a slice and get her something to drink. You fill her up on everything she's missed and what you haven't told her including Ms.Romanoff which she seems to be curious about but you tell her to ask questions another time. She does the same for you and tells you about life back in Florida. You both get ready for bed and say your good nights.

This is a fill chapter and tomorrow something fun will happen. I hope you guys had an amazing day. Also feel free to give me ideas for future chapters.

-Love L

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