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(this story is about the song heather by Conan gray and this is inspired by a story I read😊)

Nancy's Pov

It was Sunday morning and it was a windy day. Me and Robin went out for a walk and I start getting really cold. Robin noticed I was shivering so she gave me her sweater. "That sweater looks better on you, you can keep it" Robin said smiling

"Thanks I promise to return it asap" I told Robin. "Wanna go to the park?" Robin questioned. "Yeah sure!" I told her happily.

I always have this weird feeling on my stomach whenever Robin comes over. I always feel different when I'm with her, like I always can't stop looking at her. she's just so pretty but I can't be feeling this because I know that she likes someone else.

Robin came out to me a couple of months ago and I didn't really care. It was in Steve's house, we had a sleepover and we got drunk.

Flashback to the sleepover~~~~

Robin's Pov

"Hey Robin?" Steve called Robin. "What now dingus" i say. "I'm having a sleepover tonight you wanna come?" "Who's gonna be there?" I ask Steve. "Eddie, me, and Nancy. I'll count you in if you wanna come." Steve says. "Okay fine I'll come." I say, and then Steve started jumping around happily. "Dingus" I say rolling my eyes.

The sleepover~~~

3rd person's Pov

Steve and Robin finished their shifts at Family Video. "What time are you picking me up?" Robin says. "8 pm" Steve says. "Okay dingus" Robin replies.

Robin got back home and picking an outfit for the sleepover. She ended up wearing a black cardigan, her converse, white baggy pants, and her rings. She waited for steve. She looked at the clock and it was 7:15 pm. The suddenly her telephone started to ring. She picked it up and it was Steve. (This giving back to my other chapter🖐️😔)

"What do you want dingus? And what time are you gonna pick me up?" Robin questioned. "About that uhmm. I can't pick you up." "What why!" Robin said surprised and clueless. "I have to pick up some snacks for the sleepover and I have to pick Eddie up."

"What about me?! Don't tell I have to walk all the way there." Robin said not wanting to walk. "I'm sorry Robin, Im really really sorry. But..." Steve said pausing for a sec. "But?..." Robin questioned. " You're gonna have to walk."

Robin paused for a sec and said. "Ugh fine." Robin said clearly annoyed. "Thank you for understanding! I promise I'll pick you up next time." Steve said relieved. "Hey, you owe me." Robin said chuckling.

Robin had a lot of time so she went to a near by 7-11. She went inside thinking what to buy. She ended up grabbing coffee and gummy bears. After paying, she went outside and sat on a bench.

She was calmly eating her gummy bears. But then she felt someone tapping her on the back. It was Nancy. "Hey Nance what are you doing here?" Robin said. "I just wanted to get a few stuff before going to Steve's and then I saw you." Nancy said sitting beside Robin.

"Wait, wasn't Steve gonna pick you up?" Nancy said confuse. "Welp that was the plan but he called me and said he had to pick up some stuff and pick up Eddie. So now I have to walk all the way there." Robin explained. "Oh.. if you want I can drive you there." Nancy said. "Sure! If you don't mind." Robin said. "I really don't mind. I'll wait for you to finish then we can go." Nancy said happily. "Okay then!" Robin said. "Want a gummy bear?" Robin asked randomly. "No thank you!" Nancy answered.

They went inside the car and the car ride was quiet. They are finally at Steve's house and they go inside. They started playing truth or dare. They drank A LOT of alcohol. They ended up being drunk. Eddie asked Robin. "Truth or dare?" Eddie said while laughing. "Dare!" Robin says. "I dare you to say your deepest darkest secret." Robin was laughing and said "I like women. that's my deepest darkest secret" Robin said.

Nancy wasn't really drunk. She was just a bit drunk like she was tipsy. They were all surprised from what Robin said. But they didn't really care about it. They didn't mind it. Nancy could see that Robin needs to go to sleep so she stoped the party and took Robin to bed.

"Do you want to change your clothes?" Nancy asked Robin. "Yeah sure wait here" Robin replied she kind of sober that time so she changed her clothes. Nancy waited for her. She was sitting on the bed. Robin finally was done changing her clothes. "Goodnight Rob." "Wait Nance can you stay here with me?"

"Yeah sure" Nancy said sleeping beside Robin. Robin fell asleep hugging Nancy. Nancy felt really comfortable. She eventually fell asleep as well.

End of flashbacks~~~

3rd person's Pov

"Nance? Nancy?" "Huh?" "Come on let's go!" "Oh yeah alright" Nancy said. "Hey Nance wanna swing?" Robin asked. "Yeah sure!"

They ended up swinging. But something unexpected happened. Robin took Nancy's hands on hers. Nancy could feel her face heating up. She looked away so Robin could not see her blush.

"Oh uhmm sorry to ruin the fun but... I need to go home" Robin said. "Okay let's go!"

The next day~~~

Nancy's Pov

It's the next day and Nancy was going to school. I saw Robin on her locker. I can't pull my eyes away from her ocean blue eyes. I went up to her and gave her her sweater back. "Thanks" Robin says smiling at Nancy. Vickie walked by us. Robin looked amazed at Vickie.

After school, I asked Robin if she wants a ride. She said "Oh sorry Nance Vickie actually offered a ride and I said yes." " Oh it's okay" I said sadly.

I got to my house and flopped on my bed. I took a nap and when I woke up I went for a walk. I walk by Robin's house and saw something I wish I didn't see. She was with Vickie. But that wasn't the bad part. I saw Vickie wearing the sweater Robin gave me.
I felt tears in my eyes as I start walking away back to my house. I just wanted to lay down and sleep and don't go to school. I tried sleeping but I couldn't. I couldn't stop thinking of what happened earlier.

I wish I were heather.

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