Looking For Better Days

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It was my very first Duskwood fanfiction. I hope you'll like it.

I open my eyes, it's still dark in the room. I can only hear the sound of the clock ticking. It feels so calm. Do you know that? This moment between sleep and awakening when your mind forgot the horrible things that happened? Well this is it, this tiny second out of time, when everything seems to be alright. Then it all comes back to me. The search for Hannah, the mines, Richy's confession, the fire...

It was weeks ago, though I can't take it anymore. I start crying, again. I can't stop the tears from falling out of my eyes. Mechanically I stretch an arm out of my blanket to grab my phone. I only have one message from Lilly, telling me that Hannah's going to be out of the hospital tomorrow and asking me to finally come to Duskwood.

As always, I just ignore Lilly's text. I haven't really heard from the others since Hannah has been found. Thomas and Cleo have focused on Hannah's well-being, Dan tried to reach me at first but eventually gave up on this. And then there's Jessy. I was the one who tried to talk to her. But she has never answered any of my calls. Lilly told me that Jessy has drowned in her grief. She's never accepted Richy's death. I can't blame her.

Sighing, I open the chat with Jake and read my last messages for the hundredth time.

MC : Jake I hope you're okay. I'm so worried!

MC : Jake it has been a week, tell me that you got out of the mine on time.

MC : If you ever see these messages please, answer me.

All of those messages remain unread. I had hope for a long time, but two weeks ago it all fell apart. Local information revealed that a body was found. And as Richy's body was already found and as there was no FBI agent officially reported missing, there was no place to doubt about this body identity. Lilly called me that day, and we shared the same thoughts. We truly believe this body belongs to Jake. Since that day I have never found the strength to talk to her anymore.

And now, she is texting me again! I furiously turn off my phone and go to the kitchen to make some coffee to clear my mind. My mug in my hand, I go to the window and open it. The cold air gently strokes my skin and I close my eyes, focusing on my breath and on the sound of the city that echoes beneath me.

I let my mind wander in a vain hope it gives me the peace I need. Thinking about anything but Duskwood. But as always, it doesn't work. Duskwood is haunting me, Hannah is haunting me, Jake... is haunting me. Suddenly I open my eyes.

I have to go to Duskwood.


Two days later I'm finally driving to Duskwood. I figured out that walking the streets of this city and meeting my friends is the only way I can get some kind of closure. Once I made my decision, I called Lilly to tell her I'm coming. She was surprised at first, but it seemed to make her happy. She told me I could stay at the motel and booked a room there for me.

Now here I am, driving to a city I didn't even know it existed a few weeks ago. I'm approaching the forest near Duskwood, I should be there in less than 30 minutes. The sun begins to set as I enter the forest. The shadows of the pines are drawing strange shapes around my car, it seems like I'm trapped in a sepia photograph.

On a panel, by the side of the road, I can see that I'm in the right direction toward Duskwood's motel. But I don't follow the indication and turn right instead, taking a small path that leads me further in the woods. I intend to stop by a certain location before I reach my final destination. I need it.

I only have a 5 minutes drive before arriving at a small car park. I slowly get out of my car and take a deep breath before heading to Grimrock waterfalls. It's a simple and pleasant walk. I can even see a small picnic table standing near an overview of the area. I guess this place is mostly frequented by families during their Sunday's walks and by tourists on their holidays.

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