One More Night

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A/N: Hello everyone. I'm a little nervous about this oneshot. I usually don't write this kind of story but I had this idea and wanted to give it a try.

And also I wanted to thank my friends who helped me with this one-shot ❤️
Thank you for reading I hope you'll like it

TW : Intimate scene (the whole story is about it so if you don't feel comfortable with the topic please, don't read it.)


The soft sound of the cotton sheets clenched in her fists, the rhythm of heavy breaths sharing the same air, the contact of burning skin of two bodies meeting again; that night, their two souls were finally reunited.


She was sitting on her couch, by the fireplace, her eyes staring at her book. It was the middle of the night and she couldn't sleep so she decided to read to avoid her mind thinking about what was keeping her awake. But it was useless, she was still reading the same line again and again without realizing it, without understanding what was before her eyes.

Her mind was endlessly drawn to the memory of the man she loved. This very man, she hadn't seen for months, occupied all her thoughts without leaving room for anyone or anything else. The lack caused by his absence was a constant feeling that filled every corner of her mind.

Closing her eyes, she took the collar of the t-shirt she was wearing, it was one of his. She caressed the fabric, impregnating herself with the only item he had allowed her to keep as a souvenir to make the waiting for his return more bearable.

With a deep sigh she reached out to grab the cup of verbena infusion on the coffee table and took a sip, ignoring the unpleasant sensation of the herbal beverage that had already turned cold. She then checked the time on her phone and thought she could try to find sleep again. While she closed her book she heard a soft noise coming from the next room. She first thought it was a trick of her mind and started to head to her kitchen when she heard it again. It sounded like a branch was hitting her window because of the wind but the sound was too steady to be it.

With her heart beating fast in her chest, she turned around and walked to the corridor leading to her bedroom trying to push away the hope that sneaked into her mind. There, behind the bay window she saw his tall figure. He was wearing a hood but she immediately recognized his features. With a huge grin on her face, she hurried to the bay window, unlocked it and opened it.

As soon as the door opened he slid inside her house, crashing his lips against her without letting the young woman the time to greet him. His lips were cold, contrasting with the warmth of his mouth, of his tongue that was cautiously slipping between her lips asking for more. With one foot, he pushed the door close behind him and gently pushed her against the wall. His hands traveled to her thighs, and lifted her t-shirt up so he could press his palms on her butt. She felt him smirk against her mouth when he realized his fingers were in contact with her bare skin barely covered by the soft fabric.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her, rising on her tiptoes to reach him. She could feel him pinching her cheekbutt greedily, but she knew he loved teasing her. She moaned against him and he grabbed the bottom of her shirt ready to take it off from her.

She pulled away, making him growl angrily as he felt betrayed by her sudden change of demeanor. Why was she pushing him away?

The lips of the small woman curled up in a mischievous smile, taking him off guard. With slow moves, she put her hand on his wrist preventing him from removing her shirt. She could see, under his hood, the hacker's eyebrow knitted and the glimmer of his gray blue eyes throwing daggers at her.

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