First Valentine's Day

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I first post this story on my Tumblr account for Valentine's Day. As I didn't want to wait next, year I decided to post it now on Wattpad. I hope you'll like it.

I wrote something for Valentine's day. I don't think there are any trigger warnings but I'd say : language, grumpy MC, two adults making out (houlala) and also it's a bit cheesy but isn't it the purpose of Valentine's day?

I never liked Valentine's day, and this year wasn't an exception. Even when I was dating my exes I always tried to avoid them that day. Well, I have to admit that, some of them were happy we weren't celebrating it. And I was ok with this. But not this time.

I was on my way home back to work, with my earphone on, trying to cut myself off from the world. But I couldn't. There were couples, couples everywhere. They were walking hand in hand in the street, kissing on a bench, hugging while waiting at a bus stop. Even a guy appeared from nowhere screaming "She said yes!" with a big silly smile on his face. I winced, are we in a romantic movie or something? I wasn't jealous, I don't think so. I was angry. Angry because all those stupid couples could do well... couple things. To be honest I could have done all of those things too. I dated a few men in the past few months, but none of them mattered.

No. I was alone that day because I couldn't forget the man I met online, the man I didn't even know how he looked like. The last time I talked to him was almost a year ago. He told me he was fine, that he managed to escape the mine on fire. I was so relieved! I would finally be able to meet him like he promised. I was packing my bag and while I was getting in my car to drive to Duskwood - where we were supposed to meet - he sent me another text. He told me the FBI was too close to him, that it was dangerous for him as for myself. We couldn't meet, not yet. He had to hide again and he didn't know for how long. He told me he meant what he said in the mine, that he loved me. But he also told me I shouldn't wait for him, I had to live my life, and maybe, one day, we shall meet again.

After that my phone went black and when I was able to turn it on again every message, every picture we shared were gone. As if it was a dream, as if he never existed. So, I listened to him, I was living my life.

I sat on a bus and pulled out my phone from my jeans pocket to try to find some distraction. This is when I noticed a text from Phil.

Phil: Hi MC! Happy Valentine's day ! What about coming to Duskwood so I can invite you to the Black Swan? :)

Phil was a nice guy, and he was clearly hot. Plus, he was always flirting with me! He never gave up. I had sincerely thought about dating Phil, or at least having sex with him. He really was my type, and I appreciated him. But everytime I wanted to tell Phil that I agreed to date him, I thought about Jake and how jealous he was of Phil. I could live my life, but I couldn't date Phil. It would have hurt Jake too much, and I wouldn't forgive myself. I have to admit that the bitch in me thought that I could date Phil, to make Jake jealous, so it would make him come back. But I didn't. I sighed and answered honestly to Phil.

MC: Even if I'd loved to come to Duskwood and have dinner at the Black Swan, I remind you we're not living in the same country and it's at least a 10 hours drive from my place to yours. So.... I won't be able to go to work tomorrow and my boss won't agree with that.

Phil : Oh come on! I'm sure they can do without you for a day or two!

MC: So do you, Phil.

I knew I was rude to him. But he insisted for days and it started getting on my nerves. How was I supposed to react? At least, this little conversation helped me to spend time and I have already arrived at my bus stop.

As I got into my apartment, I immediately kicked off my shoes and sighed with relief. I was home, and this day was almost over. I decided to change my mind by making myself a huge cup of tea and reading. I sat on my favorite spot, a bench I created in front of the window and next to my bookcase. I picked up the book I started to read a few days ago - a detective novel - and opened it. I was sure I figured out who the murderer was. 20 more pages left before I finished the book. And yes! I guessed right! With a satisfied smile I closed the book and stored it on the shelf.

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