A Place To Hide

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Jake woke up to the sound of a ticking clock. Everything else around him was so quiet. He tried to open his eyes to see where he was but his head was aching so much. He tried to focus on his surroundings. He was in a bed, a soft warm bed. It's been weeks since he has experienced so much comfort. The sheets were up to his nose and he could smell, a sugar scent. Vanilla maybe? How did he end up here? He focused on remembering what had happened. The memories only came back to him by flash.

Smoke, dark thick smoke. He couldn't open his eyes so he tried to find his way out of this mine by following the stone walls with his hands. He coughed to get the smoke out of his lungs but everytime he did that, more and more smoke came in. He was about to give up, when he felt something cold and wet under his fingers. Water! A thin stream of water ran along the stone wall.

With every strength he has left, he opened his eyes and started to dig into the wall. Every stone he removed was a way out of this place. After what seemed like an eternity, Jake was able to sneak into the hole he dug, then he landed on a tiny creek. Air, clean air was finally filling his lungs.

A soft voice calling his name took him out of his dream. Smell of vanilla again? He tried to open his eyes again but everything was blurry. He could see the shape of a woman, sitting on the edge of the bed. The woman spoke to him with a calm reassuring voice. "It's okay Jake, you're safe here." Jake? She knew his name. Who was she? He felt her cold, soft hand resting on his forehead, gently brushing his hair. He felt safe, at peace, and he fell asleep again.

A shiver ran through his body as the cold water wet his clothes. He stood up awkwardly and started to walk in the woods. He needed to find a place to hide, he needed to find her. He walked for hours until he heard footsteps. He stood still, he didn't want to be noticed, but the footsteps came closer and he was too weak to hide himself. He heard voices, women's voices? He was so tired, his legs had no strength anymore. He fell to his knees as two warm arms wrapped around his body. The last thing he realized before he passed out was the smell of vanilla.

He woke up again. This time, someone was with him in the room. He could see the face of a blonde woman lit by the glow of her phone screen, sitting on a chair next to the bed. He rose himself to rest on his elbow. "Lilly? What are you doing here? Where are we?" The girl jumped on her seat and looked at him with a bright smile on her face.

"Jake! You're awake!" She moved to sit on the bed next to Jake. "We're at MC's. After the mine explosed, we both went to look for you in the woods. Fortunately, we found you before the FBI, and we brought you here."

"The mine..." now that he was fully awake, the whole situation came back to him. "Hannah, how is Hannah? Why are you here and not with her?"

"She's fine, she's still at the hospital. It's been two days now." she answered.

Jake looked at her, confused. "But why are you here and not with her?" he repeated.

Lilly shook her head. "I knew she was safe, I had my sister back, I didn't want to lose my brother, so I looked for you."

A warm feeling rose in his chest. Her brother. Lilly really considered him as family. He smiled at her, a shy but genuine smile. The blonde girl opened her arms and hugged him, laying her head on his shoulder. He hugged his sister back and enjoyed this peaceful moment.

The sound of a door opening came from another room. Lilly pulled away from Jake's embrace. "It must be MC, she went to buy some food and medicine. I have to go now, I leave you with her." Lilly pecked him on the cheek before leaving the room. Jake leant in the bed, his eyes closed. He heard the door open and the scent of vanilla came again to his nostrils.


MC entered her guest room and looked at the man who was lying in the bed. She came closer to the bed and sat beside the man. He opened his eyes and looked at her. He had light blue eyes, she had never seen such mesmerizing eyes. She could have spent her entire life drowning in those eyes.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Better" he simply replied. She liked his voice, it was deep, calm and reassuring.

She smiled. "I'm so happy we found you." She whispered.

He reached out to place his hand on her cheek. Her smile became brighter, and her heart raced. She put her hand on his enjoying the intimacy that grew between them. After a few moments she leant over and kissed him on his forehead." I'm gonna make you something to eat." she said before standing up.

She was about to leave when she felt Jake grab her hand. She turned around and looked at him. "Please MC, stay a little longer with me." Jake moved slightly into the bed to make room for her, and she slipped under the blanket next to him.

Their bodies instinctively intertwined. She was brushing his hair while Jake's hand was stroking MC's skin in her lower back underneath her shirt. Softly she spoke again. "The FBI left Duskwood. They don't know yet that I'm the one who was investigating with you. So I guess you're safe for now."

He gently smiled at her. "Thank you... But I will need to check where are my pursuers soon."

"I know," she replied. "Feel free to stay here as long as you need. This could be your hiding place. Here... With me." She blushed

Jake looked at her with a soft, loving gaze. "It's the perfect place to hide." He leant over her and kissed her gently on her lips.

She closed her eyes inhaling his scent, feeling his heart beating in unison with hers. This moment was perfect. "I love you Jake." she said so quietly.

"I love you MC", he replied. And with those words, they both drifted to sleep.


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