The Choice

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It's been a year since the mine accident. A year since I escaped this place and the FBI. There was another way out, one that wasn't on any maps. I found it by chance. You can call that luck, I guess.

I didn't warn MC or anyone else that I was safe. I only had a few bruises and inhaled a little smoke, but nothing that could harmed me. I went into hiding again, changing motels every 3 days.

No. I didn't warn them, because that event taught me they were better off without me, especially MC. I knew I promised her we would meet each other, but it wasn't safe. I would never be safe and neither would she, if she stayed with me.

So, I just ran away. Hannah was safe, MC was far away from Duskwood, the Man Without a Face was dead, everything was alright.

It had been difficult not to answer MC's messages. She was a mess, she was desperate and sad. But after a few months, she stopped writing to me. She began to move on and it was for the best.

I continued to watch over her, though. I had to make sure my pursuers weren't on her trail. I had to make sure she was safe.

Two months ago MC started dating a man. I saw pictures of them on her social media. At first I was angry. I wanted to make his life a nightmare, that stupid man! That man who could see her, talk to her, kiss her... touch her! I was going insane.

But then I remembered. I remembered I made the choice to protect her, no matter what. To make sure she was happy, even if that meant I had to feel miserable. I could have been with her, she told me she wanted to be with me. But I chose to run away. Was I selfish? Probably. A coward? Obviously.

One night, while I was checking my pursuers, I noticed that MC's location was in the same town as mine. Why was she there? Well, it was a big touristic city, and Mr Stupid was with her. So, it was a romantic trip I guess.

I tried to ignore this and went to buy myself some supplies. On my way back to my shelter my phone buzzed. It indicated that MC was very close to my location. The logical idea would have been to go back to my place. But instead my feet led me where MC was.

I stopped in front of a restaurant. A Chinese restaurant, really? I was about to leave when I saw her through the window. She was gorgeous, the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I just couldn't take my eyes off her. Of course, she was talking to Mr Stupid. I couldn't see his face and I didn't care.

Suddenly, she looked up at me. I stared at her for a second and then, quickly stepped back into the dark. I was walking back to my hiding place when I heard footsteps behind me. I slowly turned around, and froze. MC was standing a few feet away from me.

"Jake?" Her soft voice echoed in the dark.

I remained silent as she came closer to me, stopping herself right in front of me, looking for my eyes. "Jake, is this you?" she asked again.

My heart was beating so fast in my chest. She was there with me. How was this possible? I was worried, it wasn't safe. "You are acting recklessly , MC '' I said with a hoarse voice.

Her eyes were teary. "This is really you." a light smile crossed her face. Then, she took one more step toward me and hugged me.

At first, I didn't move, I couldn't. My brain was trying to figure out what was happening. I felt the warmth of her body against mine, the grip of her hands on my back, her hair tickling my chin. Before I could realize what I was doing, my arms wrapped around her and I buried my face into her hair.

It felt so good to finally hold her tight. After a moment, she walked away from my embrace and looked at me frowning. "Why didn't you answer any of my messages?"

I sighed, "Because it would have endangered you. And I can't allow this to happen."

"I knew it was dangerous. But I was ready for this. I still am." she answered firmly.

"No! I can't let you do that. Plus, you have moved on now. You can't give up your life with your... Boyfriend" I winced.

"You mean Matt? How do you know... Oh. I see." she averted her eyes then whispered. "I'm not in love with him."

"No?" I said hesitantly.

"No, I'm in love with someone else." She gently put her hand on my cheeks and looked right into my eyes. "I've never stopped loving you. Have you?"

I could see fear in her eyes. She was afraid of my answer, afraid I would push her away. I could have told her I didn't love her anymore. It would have been the logical choice, but it would have been a lie.

Instead of answering, I cupped her face and kissed her. Her lips were so soft. I put my hands around her waist and tried to bring her body closer to mine. A voice rose at the end of the street calling for MC.

We separated from each other and MC took my hand to lead me on the opposite side of the street. She made her choice, and I followed her. I followed her into a new life.

A life on the run, but a life with her.


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