Under the stars

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She left her car on the side of the empty road. She started walking toward the forest without bothering locking her car. It wasn't important, she was in a hurry. She was led by her feeling, a mix of fear, anguish but also, deep inside her being, a sting of hope.

She entered the woods, everything was dark. She raised her head to find her way and followed the path of smoke. Dark smoke that floated in the sky, covering the shining stars.

She was afraid to be late, an hour had passed since the mine blew up. How could it be real? She felt like in a dream - or rather a nightmare- ignoring her racing heart and breath, telling her to stop. Ignoring the pain when she slipped on a rock and scratched her hand. She was numb.

She kept on walking for minutes or maybe hours, she couldn't say. She was only lit by the dim light of her phone. The smell of smoke was getting bigger and bigger indicating she was approaching her destination. Her eyes started to burn, small tears formed on the corner of her eyelids. Her throat was dry and she couldn't help but cough. She took a piece of her scarf and lifted it to shield her mouth and nose from the smoke.

Suddenly she stopped, she quickly turned off the light of her phone and tried to scan her surroundings. She had heard something cracking a few meters from her. With wide eyes she was looking around her in an attempt to percieved every single moove she could. It was close, she knew it. But she didn't know what it could be.

An animal? Like what? a rabbit? No, the sound implied it was something bigger. A wolf? Or maybe a bear? She didn't even know what kind of animal lived in this area. What if it was even more dangerous? Like a human being : Richy? Or the police...?

Then, she saw him. A tall figure behind a tree, moving slowly. She held her breath unconsciously, she knew the figure had spotted her. After long seconds she finally found the courage to articulate a few words.

"Who is this?" she wanted her voice to sound strong and confident, but instead it was shaking.

She bit her lip, mad at herself.

Before she had the time to react, the tall figure approached her quickly, making no noise this time. She gasped as his body collided with hers, gently pushing her in the direction she was coming from. She couldn't help but smell the faint woody scent that emanated from him.

"What are you doing here?" he asked in a hoarse voice.


He took her hand as an answer and started walking toward the road, "Follow me."

They walked in silence. She didn't look where she was putting her feet too absorbed by the man that was leading the way. He wore a backpack and black clothes. She could see a few strand of his hair pierced under his hood. She couldn't see his face, though, he had hung a large piece of clothe before his mouth to protect him.

She lowered her gaze and watched their intertwined fingers. His were dirty, covered with soot. His hand was sweaty but it didn't bother her as she craved his touch for so long. For too long. His grip was firm. Yet, his thumb was gently caressing the back of her hand betraying the fact he was flustered by their meeting.

Suddenly a deafening sound broke the silence. She barely had time to spot an helicopter above the top of the trees, that Jake pushed her behind a bush and gestured her to crouch. They waited, he had wrapped his arm around her and was holing her close to his chest, so close she could feel his heart beating. It was racing because of fear, or maybe because of their unexpected closeness.

She felt him tensed when the helicopter flew over their head. Its light pierced through the branches, in surch for the fugitive who escaped the IronSplitter mine. The vehicle was flying so low, that she could feel the wind rising around her.

She closed her eyes tight. She was waiting for the helicopter to leave. She instinctively held her breath as if it could make her less and less noticeable.

After long seconds, the helicopter went away and she could finally catch her breath. When they was sure it was gone, they slowly stood up, facing each other. Jake was looking around to make sure there was no danger. He had removed the piece of clothe before his face but kept his hood on. She tried to observe him but it was still too dark around them. All she could see was the shadow of his beard.

He gesture for them to continue their way but stop in his track when he took her hands, "You're freezing!" he exclaimed.

Slowly he brought her both hands to his mouth warming them with his hot breath. A soft chill ran down her spine. She was glad it was dark, he couldn't see her red face and her silly smile.

"You've been so reckless to come here, you know that?" he stated in a low voice have amused, half annoyed.

"I couldn't stay away after what happened. I stayed too long behind my screen watching my friends put themselves in danger. This time was too much."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be. I'm glad I'm here now."

"Me too," he said while lefting soft kisses on her knuckles, "but we have to go. It's dangerous to stay here."

As he was about to let her hands to continue their route, she stopped him, "Wait!" she took a step closer and raised her hand to his face. She let her fingers wander along his beard and then through his hair. His breath got faster. He stared right into her eyes. He could guess the outline of her features he'd watched for hours on his screen. He'd dreamed this moment for weeks. Her face was so close. Her lips was so close. Despite the seriousness of the situation, they both surrendered to their need and kissed.

She couldn't think straight anymore. The warmth of his mouth, the tickling sensation of his beard on her skin, his hair between her fingers, soft but cover with ashes. The smell of smoke mingling with his own scent was intoxicating. His grip around her waist was firm, and she could guess he had to fight the urge to discover her body even more. She didn't want this moment to stop, she wanted more, she wanted to melt into him, to feel closer and to closer to him. With a low growl he held her stronger before releasing her. He pull back just enough to be able to talk but not enough to be separated. His short breath fell on her face, and he brushed his nose with hers.

"We-we really need to go," he stammered.

She simply nodded and this time he stepped back leaving a feeling of emptiness in her being. They walked again, next to each other, in silence. When they arrived on the road, she headed to her car. He followed her but when she was about to get in he stopped her.

"I can't go with you. They're going to check the roads first."

"But I don't want to leave you-"

"I can't ask you to come," he cut her off, "I can't ask you to let your life behind you for me."

"This is my choice!" she answered firmly.

He didn't replied and just put a kiss on her forehead. Then, he readjusted his backpack on his shoulders and walked accross the road. She stayed still for a few seconds, her mind was racing.

He looked at her from the other side of the road. Waiting for her to make up her mind. She put her hand in her pocket and grabbed her key. She left them on the roof of her car for someone who might need it. Then, without regret, she turned around and started to run across the road, toward Jake.

She took his hand, a bright smile crossed her face : she was finally able to see the face of the man before her. With they hands intertwined, they confidently headed  away from the woods. The smoke was gone and now their way was lit by the shining stars above their heads.


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