Lovers hide from the sun

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It was the end of a warm summer day when I parked my car in an abandoned area along the road. After getting out, I opened my trunk and took my backpack with me. My whole life was now in this small bag. I threw the car key on the passenger seat without worrying about what would happen to my car, I didn't need it anymore. With one last look at my vehicle I walked down the desertic road and headed toward the city. 

I was early. The sun hadn't set yet, so when I spotted a small overview after an umpteenth turn, I chose to stop and take a look at the scenery that laid in front of my eyes. 

I rested my elbow on the fence and let my eyes look down at the town. The sun was behind me, soon hidden by the high mountain. I could see the last sunlights of the day shining in the city before me, its light reflected through the glass of the tall buildings without dazzling me. 

The sight was beautiful, breathtaking! The gray constructions seemed to glimmer. A thin layer of pollution was engulfing the city, after this hot day of summer, making it look like a mirage. 

Here, far from the city, I closed my eyes and slowly inhaled the perfume of nature that was tickling my nostril, almost making me sneeze. I could hear the last birds singing above my head while they returned to their nests in the trees. 

Melting in my environment, I tried to relax after these stressful weeks. I had finally reached my goal, Hannah was safe. But at what coast? The group found their friend again but lost another. I trusted him, he was my friend too and knowing he was behind all this made me sick. The Police arrested him right after the firemen stopped the fire. He was injured but still alive. At that point I didn't care, though. My thoughts were only focused on one person : Jake. 

I lived long terrible hours not knowing if he was even alive. I was losing my mind imagining the worst. But in the early hours of the morning, after the arson at the mine, I received a text. He needed help. I was surprised, it was unusual for him to ask for help. But I was ready to willingly give him what he needed. So, I packed my most important things in my backpack, gathered all my strength and drove all day to reach Colville. Duskwood was still in a frenzy after the events of the day before. The Police and the FBI surrounded the small town and, from what I understood, Jake managed to escape just before they closed the area. 

I pressed my lips together, trying to suppress the taste of bile that came back to my mouth at the memory of that night. It would take time for me, for all of us, to get over the mess Richy created. 

The sound of the birds had vanished when I opened my eyes again. The air was still warm even if the sun had disappeared, now replaced by the moonlight. The only color that remained from the city was the red trails of the cars, stuck in the traffic. 

Jake wanted us to meet at night so it would be less noticeable. He gave me the indication I needed to reach his location and specified he would stay at this motel only tonight, implying we would only spend a few hours together. But what he didn't know was that I had other plans. 

Now that it was fully dark, it was time for me to get closer to the city. I knew there were hiking paths in my surroundings and I soon noticed a wooden stair dug into the rock of the mountain that led to the town. 

I put my hand around the trail to guide me down the stairs, helping me to keep my balance on the uneven steps. During the day, it must be a beautiful place surrounded by vegetation, a little piece of heaven hidden from the bustle of the city. An owl was singing in the distance and I could still hear crickets in the grass around me, proving the weather was too hot for a night. 

It took me twenty minutes to reach the bottom of the hill. The stairs led me to a small car park, far away from the city center. I took my phone from my back pocket and read Jake's messages again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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