Rainy days

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A/N : I had this idea. This text could be about any sad love story but I thought it fited well with Jake and MC's story. It's mostly sad but I hope you'll like it.

I always liked rainy days.

The sound of the droplets against the window has always calmed me down. Even when I was a child I sat for hours in front of the window, watching the rain fall, imagining where it came from. From the clouds, from the sky. My mother said I must have carried much sadness to prefer rainy days to sunny days. That I should have enjoyed being able to play football with my friends when the weather was soft instead of locking myself inside. To be honest, I liked the rain because I could spend all day in my room playing on my computer on my own, in a quiet environment.

Even now, many years later, I feel most peaceful, soothed by the sound of the raindrops hitting the window of my motel room. I am lying in my bed staring at the shadows reflecting on the ceiling. It's been a while since I have been here. I get up and open the window to let the heavy atmosphere of the incoming storm come in.

It's my last day in this town. I soon have to go because my pursuers are getting closer. But first, I have one last thing to do before running away. With a deep sigh, I close my laptop and gather all my stuff in my black backpack. I look at the room that has sheltered me for the past few days one last time before I close the door behind me.

I always liked rainy days.

I walk on the empty street with the echo of my footsteps on the asphalt as only company. It is a cloudy Sunday afternoon so no-one wanders outside. The raindrops hit the ground with a light thud and crash on my hoodie. I walk along the docks enjoying the sight of the river moving and splashing against the shore. The whole landscape of the city is gray. From the cloudy sky to the empty paved streets. Even the rain and water have this pale blue-gray color reflecting the shade of my eyes.

I arrive at my destination and stare at the gray stonewalls of your house. The building looks the same as before. The only color that comes out is the golden metal in which are engraved the numbers suspended near the door.

I remember the first time I saw you opening the door. You searched for me and as soon as you spotted the young man I was, a bright smile illuminated your face. I remember entering your house, wrapping my arms around your small body.

I remember our shared kisses. I remember your arms around my neck as you pulled me closer to you. The touch of your burning skin against mine. I remember the sound of your voice, the bliss of your laughter. I remember your hot breath tickling my ear. And above all, I remember the love we shared in this house. Your home. We knew it was for a short time but we knew our love was mutual and sincere. But it was a long time ago. Ten years, maybe even a little more.

I always liked rainy days.

A small boy walks past me, jostling me. I look at him, heading toward the house. This time you open the door, but not for me. You crouch and hug the little boy tightly. I smile. You haven't changed a bit. Maybe I can notice the little wrinkles forming in the corner of your eyes and your first gray hair that you don't even bother to cover. But you are still the same. Your smile is bright, your eyes are kind and your voice is still so soft.

A man appears next to you and ruffles the hair of the boy. Before going inside the ten years old child looks behind his shoulder and locks his eyes with mine. A sharp pain stings my stomach as I look into the boy's gray blue eyes mirroring mine. Less than a second later, the little kid disappears into the house.

You get up and smile at the man who wraps his arm around your waist, resting a soft kiss on your hair. You look at him as you used to look at me. My chest tightens when you leave a kiss on his lips. Does he make you happy? Does he love you as much as I do? Is he a good father for this little boy? He probably is a better father than me. He is the one raising the kid and loving him. And for now, this is all that matters.

The man follows the kid in the house and you stand alone at the door. Your eyes try to spot what the boy saw earlier. And I can recognize the look on your face. It was the same look I saw each time we met, eyes full of hope. But it is too late, I have already stepped in the shadow and you can't see me anymore. My whole body tries to fight the urge to run towards you. But I can't. I will not break the family you built. Even if I want to hold you in my arms more than anything. Even if I want to finally meet this little boy. I will just keep on watching over you, protecting you and our son.

I can see sadness cross your face as you look down and turn away, closing the door behind you.

I always liked rainy days.

As I close my eyes, I feel the rain fall on my cheek. My burning tears are mixing with the cold raindrops, washing the sorrow from my face, drowning my pain away.


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