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"Hey Cutie pie!" Lauren exclaimed as I walk into our rehearsal room. "Excited?" She asks high fiving me.

"Yeah!" I giggle.

Our director, Matthew Warchus, walked into the room with a large binder in his hand. "I need to take attendance for today's rehearsal! Lauren Ward!"


"Beatrice Tulchin!"

"Here" A young voice says.

"Grace Capeless"


"And, Hadley Bennet"

"Here" I yell.

"Alright, great. I need Hadley for vocal, you're gonna go with Gabby"

"Ok" I nod following the lady I met the first day.

"Follow me sweetie" She grabs my hand and brings me to a room with a piano.

A big lady sat down behind the piano and I stood in the middle of the room alone. "Ok Miss Bennet, let's start with some warm ups! Give me a A-U-A-H-O" she sings as she plays on the piano.

I giggle and put my hands on my belly to stabilize my breathing. "Ok" I nod. I sang as it kept getting pretty high.

"Good, let's stop there. Now let's start with your song, kay? You know 'Naughty', right?" She asks.

"Mhm" I respond.

"Ok, let's just run it and I'll stop you when I need to correct something." She stops and smiles and me. "Ok?"

"Ok" I giggle bending my knees turning away, having fun.

"You're so freaking cute, I can't take it!" She laughs. "Alright let's go" She sits back up and starts playing.

"Jack and Jill went up the hill, to fetch a pale of water, so they say" I shrug my shoulders in character.  "Their subsequent fall was inevitable-" She stops playing.

"So on all those, no vibrato. Jack and Jill. Went up the Hill. To fetch a pale of water. So they say." She sings in example.

"Oh yeah!" I nod and giggle.

"Ok baby, from the top!"

"Jack and Jill. Went up the Hill. To fetch a pale of water. So they say" I shrug. "Their subsequent fall was inevitable, they never stood a chance they were written that way. Innocent victims of their story" I stop myself and roll my eyes smiling.

"I messed up" I groan.

"Don't worry about it!" She stops playing. "You do your thing, baby. I'll give you my opinion when it matters but you're the singer here all day, every day"

I nod and continue my song. "In the slip of a bolt, there's a tiny revolt"

"Decrescendo" She says

"The seed of a war and the creek of a floor bored. A storm can begin with the flap of a wing" I start getting louder.


"The tiniest mite packs the mightiest sting! Everyday! Starts with the tick of a clock, no escape! Starts with the click of a lock, if you're stuck in your story, and want to get out. You don't have to cry-"

"No vibrato there baby." She stops playing. "Stuck in your story." She cuts herself off using her hands. "You don't have to cry. You don't have to shout! Give me a, hey!"


"Yes, ok good. Now sing that last sentence again for me"

"You don't have to cry, you don't-"

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