Two years old. That was when Hadley Rosie Bennet had started dancing at the Abby Lee Dance Company. Hadley was a star waiting to shoot. Here is her story.
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As my mom shuts the car door, I start a conversation with her. "Mommy?" I start.
"Hm?" my mom replies.
"Can I do school next year? Like going to school?" I ask, hoping she will say yes.
"Why? I thought you liked being homeschooled?" my mom said. I hated being homeschooled! The first year that I started was the year that the show started and the producers told my mom that I couldn't do school because I had to be at the studio for filming.
"Not really anymore. It's too easy," I reply.
"Well, you're just really smart. I can look into it if the producers let you," my mom said.
"Ugh, they won't," I dragged my feet, opening the door.
Gianna looks up at the front desk. "Hey guys!" She greets us.
"Hi," I send a toothy smile and wave.
"Hey G," my mom waves as we walk into the den.
"Ok baby, get your boots off and get your tap shoes on quick. I'll be upstairs."
"Ok, I love you," I kiss my mom on the cheek.
"I love you too," my mom laughs walking upstairs as I tie on my shoes.
The seniors and the other tap kids started showing up but the only one I was looking for was Maddie.
"Hadley!" Maddie tackles me with a hug.
"Hi Maddie!" I laugh hugging her back.
"Mads, get your shoes on. Hey Hadley," Melissa waves to us as she walks upstairs.
"Where's Kenzie?" I ask Maddie and she shrugs.
"Home. She's coming for the pyramid," Maddie replies.
"I need the advanced tap class." Linda says calling us into Studio C.
"I'm so excited," I giggled while walking in.
"Me too, we haven't had a tap class in forever" Maddie agrees.
"My babies!" Amanda, a senior, exclaims hugging Maddie and I.
"Hi Amanda" Maddie giggles.
"Hey" She mouths a kind smile, walking over to her older friend group.
"Ok, let's start with a quick warm up of toe taps. So start, one, Two. Three. Four. Five Six. Seven. Double time. And, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, faster" Linda commands.
"Left! Two, three, four. Five. Six. Seven, and double time. And, one two three four five six seven, faster"
We giggle at the quick movement and Miss Lin smiles at us.
"Now let's alternate our toes, five six seven eight. And one. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven, and faster. All right switch to heels Maddie and Hadley, I know you're dying without them" Miss Lin jokes and we giggle.