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"They look tough, but the guys have good heart." Lou told me, as her and Ree led me down the hallway of Reegan's home, to Chris's office/practice room.

"They rock hard and their serious about their music," Reegan beamed, "Just remember that."

"Does Chris know about this?" I asked Ree.

"No, we're incognito, I figured you wanted this on the low." She smiled.

"This is a shoe in," Lou was bouncing with excitement, "Your vocals kick ass, the guys just wanted to see if your personality matched our style."

"Let's do this." I took a deep breath, as Ree opened the door and ushered us in.

Two guys were hanging out in the smoke-filled room and Reegan sighed, crossing her arms.

"Seriously, guys?! You knew Bree was coming over today! You couldn't wait?!" She snapped, smacking one in the back of the head.

"Hey, if she can't deal with the contact high, she can't play with us." The guy she smacked said in his defense.

"You're an idiot, Ryan," Lou rolled her eyes, taking her sister's stance.

"Sorry, ladies," The other guy spoke with a southern accent, "He pulled out a pipe, I couldn't help myself."

"If he pulled his dick out, would you suck on that too?" Ree snapped.

The southern guy acted taken aback, "I'm a married, Ree."

I began to laugh at the seriousness in the guy's face.

"Bree, this is Mike, our badd-ass bass," Reegan introduced the guy, "He's our older cousin, who also taught me how to rock. He's the one who put the guitar in my hand."

They smiled loving at one another, then he turned to me, as if he was trying to place me.

"You're tinier in person. Anyone ever you that you look like an elf?" He had to be blitzed.

"Not lately," I laughed, "Although, I have been called a troll recently."

"No, you don't look like a troll," He said thoughtfully, "You just have the facial features of a little elf."

Lou huffed, "Anyway, the trouble maker over there is Ryan."

She pointed to the guy seated at a keyboard.

"So, we doing this or not?" He asked.

"Look, I've heard your sound and the girls told me that you've heard mine," I told him curtly, "Either you like or you don't. The fact that I'm here says that you at least THINK I'm worth working with."

"What do you have in mind for our band," He crossed his arms, "I'm not into girlie shit."

"Definitely nothing girlie. I'm thinking I like my music dark, but upbeat... Similar to Black Heart, but a little more In This Moment I can't scream the whole time."

"Okay," Mike gave a nod, "I like that, but where do we start?"

"Well, for starters, we'll change your representation," I told him, "I know you've gone with Henry in the past, but look where that got you."

"He's sleazy." Ryan agreed.

"I knew I liked you, star-shine." Mike smiled up at me through squinted eyes.

"Secondly, we need a new name, for our new formation."


The next day we were all being led through the halls of some law firm, to meet with our new, potential manager.

Broken Lyrics (Book 3 of the Black Heart Series)Where stories live. Discover now