Impurity In Thy Blood

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Lissa Graymark

"How have your lessons with Sebastian been?" Izzy greeted me as she joined my side at one of the holographic screens in Ops.

"Insightful," I responded, barely blinking at her appearance, too used to it happening to me. "Actually..." I swiped at the screen, closing the file I was looking at, looking up at her for the first time. "Something happened yesterday." She straightened her back, giving cautious looks at my guards behind us before giving me her confused look, "When we were at the vampire den, I got..." I shuddered at the memory, "...very angry and my magic lashed out."

"That's good isn't it?" she shrugged, her confusion still apparent, "It means your powers are still there and you're getting control over them again."

"But I've always been able to control them..." I bit my lip as I turned back to the screen, opening another file, "...something's wrong, Izzy. They're out of control."

"I'm sure that everything is-"

Zones out as she hears Jace and Clary's conversation.

"Hey.." I suddenly heard Jace's voice, "Can we talk?"

I turned my head slightly, catching sight of the duo entering Ops.

"About what?" the redhead girl asked in return.

"About how you keep walking out of the room every time I walk in?" I turned away as I caught them heading in our direction.

"...But obviously if you think something is wrong-"

"I haven't..." Clary denied instantly.

"Yeah, you have, Clary. And look," he persistently followed her, "I get it, but we can't avoid each other forever."

"Jace," she interrupted him. "Valentine's missing. OK? We have more-"

"Allie? Allie!" I winced at the sound of Izzy's voice, blinking at the fingers clocking in front of my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah..." I shook myself as Jace and Clary give me an odd look that I chose to ignore.

"Any word from Magnus or Luke?" Clary asked us.

"No," I answered her, "With Valentine free, the Downworld Cabinet has been holding secluded meetings at the Seelie Court."

"Well, that's not good," my parabatai stated.

"You think anything good happens in the Seelie court?" I thankfully didn't flinched at her barb, instead focussing on Alec's next words.

"The Clave isn't gonna let this go unpunished. The Inquisitor's sent an envoy to assess the situation. Chances are they'll be the ones replacing me as Head of the Institute."

"Can't you do something about this?" Clary turned her attention to me.

I shrugged minutely as I gave Alec an apologetic look, "I can't be seen favouring Heads of Institutes. I can intercede in matters of great importance but unfortunately choosing the head of an institute is not considered high on the list of importance. That's something the inquisitor has always dealt with."

"Don't worry, big brother," Izzy tried to reassure him, "If we can recapture Valentine, they'll leave your role alone."

"Sebastian and all available personnel are searching," I took over, turning to the ex-sibling duo, "We already know Duncan managed to hijack the portal."

"If he was Luke's accomplice, he could have been orchestrating the secret transfer all along," I nodded grimly at the news.

"Listen..." Alec interrupted us, "I appreciate the effort, but Valentine escaped on my watch. I deserve to take the heat for it."

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