The Escape

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A/N: Hey guys! Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.

I wanted to upload on Christmas or New Year but I had exams on the 6th and 7th so here is the next bit...

Hope you all enjoy and once again thank you all for staying with this story!

Jace Wayland

We flew through the portal and landed back in the room with all the cages.

I had twisted my body so I took most of the fall for Lissa. She rolled off of me and got up. She offered her hand to me, helping me off the ground. I checked her for any injuries and she did the same to me. After reassuring one another that we were safe and uninjured, I turned my ire to Valentine.

"You set me up to kill that vampire." I accused.

He got up from the ground, retorting, "You killed her because it was the right thing to do." He breathed in deeply, "The world's a safer place without that thing wreaking havoc." he pulled the arrow from his shoulder, causing Lissa to flinch in disgust, "Would you rather turn her over to the Clave to stand trial?"

"That is my job!" I argued.

"The Law is hard, but it is..." I heard Lissa softly say and the three of us finished off her sentence "...The Law."

"Yet the Clave does nothing," he jabbed a finger at us accusingly, "nothing to enforce that. Downworlders multiply with a bite or a scratch, while our numbers... dwindle year..." he used his stele to draw a healing rune, "...after year. If we don't do something, a den-like that one is gonna be on every corner on every street in the world. This is the only way."

"You're wrong." I stared at him resolutely as I walked past him.

His voice followed me, "Like I was wrong about your mother?" I stopped and spun around to look at him, "Look, I know you even better than you know yourself."

"You..." I walked back up to him so we were face-to-face, "You don't know me at all."

He just shook his head, "You saved my life. You could've Portaled me anywhere, handed me over to the Clave in Idris, but did you?" I looked away in shame, "No, because deep down inside, you know that I'm right."

He moved to walk away but Lissa's voice stopped him.

"You saved my life too." he stopped walking but didn't turn around. "Thanks." he moved away again. I turned to her incredulously but she just winked and placed her finger on her lips before leading me back to our rooms.


I don't know why I'm here again but I was in the room with the cages again. I watched as an unknown man held the mortal cup in front of a row of healthy men and women. We'd found out earlier on in the week that other people could use the cup. After the first night, Lissa had refused to make more shadowhunters. Valentine had threatened to kill more people by turning more potential shadowhunters, only to find out they would survive. Valentine had tortured the secret from Lissa. I can still hear her screams when I shut my eyes. The shadowhunters made wouldn't be as strong as the ones Lissa could make, nor were they as healthy. If Lissa creates them, there's a 75%-90% chance of them surviving. But if someone else used the cup, the chance of surviving is reduced to 25% or lower. It's why so many people have died this week.

I walked around the clattering cages to a young shadowhunter who was glaring at one of the cages.

"If you're thinking of trying to escape... don't. The wards around this ship would fry you like an egg." I warned him.

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