Clary's Dying

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Jace Wayland

"You sure it's a good idea to go in there?" Lissa asked me cautiously as I pulled her towards Simon's hermit shed.

"I'm sure it's fine," I shrugged as I stepped into the room, only to get thrown a shirt to the face.

I rolled my eyes at Lissa's giggles and headed towards an airhorn on a nearby table. I witheld my chuckles as the couple making out in the canoe scrambled up when I pressed down on the airhorn.

"Jace," Clary gasped as she tried to fix her hair, "Hey."

"What the hell are you doing?" I questioned her as I ignored Lissa's constant giggles, "I... You know what? Don't answer that."

"Here you go," Simon said as he helped her up and out from the canoe.

"You done, giggles?" I said, turning to my girlfriend.

She just raised her index finger, telling me to stop speaking as she tried to contain herself.

Once the couple were firmly on the ground, she finally managed to get ahold of herself, "Yep. I'm all good!"

"Jace, it's okay," Clary shrugged after sharing a quick look with Simon, "It's safe here. Lily is safe here..."

"Until Valentine stops hunting you, the only place that is safe for Lis to visit you is at the Institute." I took a quick look at this shed, "Why here anyway?"

"Really? I'm not sure you actually know how hiding works," I rolled my eyes at Simon as I threw his shirt back at him, "The whole point is to, um, not be where everyone thinks you are. Trust me, I'm kind of an expert."

I rolled my eyes at his lame argument as I grabbed onto Lissa's hand again, "For an expert, you were pretty easy to find. Just be thankful I got to you before the Circle did."

I glared at Simon as he decided to do his macho vamp act, "I'm not afraid of them. I've been working on my fighting skills."

I probably deserved the elbow to the gut at the scoff I couldn't help but release, "Oh, really? You wanna take this outside and give these fight skills a test run?"

"Anytime," he declared as he fully put his shirt on and started walking to the door, only to come short at the sight of sunlight, "As soon as the sun goes down."

"Guys, she can handle her-" the sound of burning skin and a pained scream suddenly filled the hermit hole, "What the hell?" Lissa gasped in disgust as she stared down at the redhead's hand.

"What's wrong?" Simon asked, jumping to stand beside his girlfriend.

"I don't know," said girl responded.

"What is that?" he gasped out in disgust.

Lissa immediately flicked her hand, making a portal appear, "We need to take her to Magnus'" she declared, "If it's what I think it is, we're going to need some help..."

Lissa helped Clary through the portal. I guess Lis wanted to be polite because we ended up outside the apartment rather than inside. I'm not polite at all because I just opened the door and stepped straight inside.

"Don't you people have phones?" Magnus complained.

Lissa helped place Clary on to the couch, "We need your help."

Magnus immediately approached the redhead, and let his magic start testing her, "La Chair Brulee," he mumbled grimly as he caught sight of Clary's decaying hand.

She winced when the magic released her, "I'm guessing that's not a dessert."

Lissa sighed in realisation as she sat down at the end of the couch with Clary, "It means 'the burnt flesh'."

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