Even Worse News

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Jace Wayland

I was in Lissa's room with her and Clary. We were trying to research the rune that Clary used but nothing was coming out of our research. Scratch that. Clary and I were researching. Lissa was lazing about on her bed. I tried not to look at her for too long because she was a distracting sight.

"Yeah, I'm not seeing it in the Gray Book," I said, giving up on flicking through the book I was holding.

Clary looked up from her sketch of the rune, "Well, isn't that thing supposed to have every single rune?"

"Some of them are removed. They're reserved for the most elite members of the Clave," I responded grimly.

The both of us turned to Lissa, only to see her stretching like a cat on her bed.

Holy angel. She's beautiful. Focus!

When she noticed the dip in the conversation, she turned a lazy gaze towards us. "What?" I gave her a pointed stare, knowing she was, in fact, paying attention to what we were saying previously. "Fine. The rune is not one of the elites'."

As she let out a yawn, Clary carried on the conversation, "Either way. I'm not exactly elite, so why do I know it?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Maybe you saw it somewhere and you don't remember."

I could see her frustration mounting as she got up from the bed, dropping her pen noisily on the table as she headed my way, "No, it just... It appeared, like a vision."

We again turned to Lissa.

Her only response was to lay back down in the bed now that Clary had moved, giving her space to spread out, "It's not a Visionary vision. I didn't give her one and only people like me can get them anyway."

"Wait. You can give people visions?" Clary piped up curiously.

The cat on the bed nodded slowly, reluctant to reveal more, "Visionaries can share their visions people..."

Silence engulfed us for a bit before Clary brought us back to the original topic of the conversation as she began to pace, "The vision I saw was like someone or something was trying to send me a message." She spun around to look at Lissa and I as a thought came to her, "Maybe it's from our mom."

I exchanged a look with Lissa before letting her lead, "Clary, I know you miss her... I do too... But the dead can't-"

"How else do you explain it?" She desperately asked.

I sighed, "I don't know."

She shook her head before ripping the page with the rune on it out of her sketchbook, "You know, I'll just go ask Izzy and Alec. Maybe they'll know something."

"No," I grabbed the page from her, preventing her from moving any further, "Absolutely not. If you tell anyone else, they could be in danger, too."

I heard a sigh from the bed, "The Clave is quick to persecute anyone or anything they don't understand."

"Either way..." I saw Lissa get up from her laying position to rest against her mountain of pillows, "You won't and they won't find anything anyway..."

"HUH?" we chorused in confusion.

I saw her shrug innocently, "Clary made the rune up." At our blank stares, she continued, "The rune doesn't exist in the Gray Book because it doesn't exist on Earth."

"That's impossible." Clary immediately denied, "How could I have just made it up?"

"Everything is possible Clary, haven't you learnt that yet? And like you said, someone sent it to you... maybe a-"

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